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I met Kleber on set, when his buddy Gabriel was shooting 'Gabriel with toy'. He was very curious about doing a film and wanted to see what it was all about. During our shoot of Gabriel we were also planning a scene with Adriano and Stanley. Stanley was not feeling that great so I asked Kleber if he was keen to jump in and take Stanley's place. He went for it, and well, as they say

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Kleber and Adriano Adriano Rodriguez Kleber
Kleber and Adriano Adriano Rodriguez Kleber
Kleber and Adriano Adriano Rodriguez Kleber
Kleber and Adriano Adriano Rodriguez Kleber
Kleber and Adriano Adriano Rodriguez Kleber
Kleber and Adriano Adriano Rodriguez Kleber
Kleber and Adriano Adriano Rodriguez Kleber

Virgin ass alert! This is Adriano getting fucked by another guy for the first time! This video cost me another I-pod (God I think... [read more]

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