Austin has always loved scouting: the chance to be outside, to be around guys his own age, and to learn from more experienced men. He's worked hard at every task given him, showing an eagerness that has not gone unnoticed by his scoutmaster. Austin is a little bit shy, and a sexy little guy with almost no hair on his body, except for what grows on his head! But the little scout can be outgoing and eager to please once he finally opens up. He'd shown a lot of potential as a scout, which had not gone unnoticed by the scout leaders in the Elite Scouts. Along with his scoutmaster, the leaders are looking forward to seeing how well the boy can handle all the new adventures they're going to throw his way. He's grown under the guidance he's received in scouting, and now he's blossoming as he adapts to the demands of the Elite Scouts.
Played by Austin L. YoungWhen Jack was told he was being invited to join The Order of Elite Scouts, he was beside himself with excitement. He’d heard the stories about all the different adventures that he’d be able to do once he had taken the oath and made the pledge, and he was eager to learn about the things his older brothers had hinted at as scouts in the elite order. He imagined the new skills that he would master. He loves scouting activities like woodcraft, fire building, and more, he sees this as his chance to put childish pursuits behind him and take the first steps on the road to manhood. Maybe becoming a boy leader himself like his brothers and uncles had been! He’s not disappointed once he arrives at the famed scout ranch. He’s greeted with lots of boys like him and plenty of hands-on scoutmasters. He was surprised but beside himself with enthusiasm for the Elite Scouting program once he understood what might be involved in the new dimensions of his all-boy scouting activities.
Played by Jack AndramSome men are born leaders, and Scoutmaster Knox counts himself among them. Effortlessly charismatic and exuding charm, he's seen plenty of young Elite Scouts come to the famous scout ranch over the years. But that doesn't mean he doesn't give every single one of these boys special attention. In fact, Scoutmaster Knox thrives on finding exactly the right ways in which to connect with these boys, putting them at ease in this very special place, and making sure they understand the importance of their presence at the ranch. He does this while also introducing them to the things they'll soon be unable to imagine not part of their lives. A popular favorite among the boys, he still receives holiday cards from former Elite Scouts and their families even years later!
Played by Killian KnoxScoutmaster Cox has his eyes on handsome, young, fit boy scouts all the time. He watches how they move, how they play, and how they've taken care of their bodies. It's hard not fantasize about how they look naked, seeing these young boys come into maturity. Over the years, Scoutmaster Cox has seen the importance of the Elite Scouting Program. The young boys who are invited to join are innocent and in need of a strong authority figure to prepare them for their lives. He's always ready to sit one-on-one with a scout for life advice or just a friendly ear as they grapple with what it means to be growing up, with their bodies changing and hormones getting out of control. His advice is sometimes embarrassingly blunt for the boys, but the boys in his care appreciate his attention. Consequently, with very little effort he persuades the boys to follow his lead and do as he instructs them.
Played by Mitch CoxScoutmaster Angus has an eye for boys who will perform well as Elite Scouts. That's why he's always there to give them a helping hand, a word of advice, or a firm command. These young men arrive thinking they understand what scouting is all about, and it's his job, the job of a scoutmaster in The Order of Elite Scouts to take them beyond what they've previously done. He must train them for more. And everyone agrees, when it comes to taking young boys in hand, no one is better than this scoutmaster. He loves being a father figure to many of the young scouts he works with each year, hoping they know that they can come to him for any reason. With his big, furry chest, beard with hints of salt and pepper, and massive muscular frame, he's often seen as a big muscly teddy bear. And while he's happy to pat their butts as they achieve new awards, most of them can't help but wish for more. Indeed neither can he.
Played by Bishop AngusIan is shy socially, but has never been one to shy away from a challenge, especially a physical one. In fact, he often sets the example for other boys his age. This is what brought him to the attention of the Elite Scouts. Ian’s actions set an example for other boys his age even before joining cub scouts. His mischievous smile belies a true motivation for service and obedience, and he is exactly the kind of material his new leaders have been looking to add to the ranks of respectful, well-trained, and responsible boys. And his perfect little bubble butt hasn’t escaped the notice of the older men who will guide the boy in the more intimate details of serving his fellow man, not just in deed but in all aspects of healthy physical development.
Played by Ian LevineWhen Mark first joined the scouts, he was looking for a sense of community and a father figure. He happily found both, and it wasn’t long before his dedication to his tasks attracted the attention of the men in charge of the Elite Scouts, who were impressed with such an eager boy. Now that he’s at the Ranch after years of hearing the stories, he’s just as determined to show these handsome older men that he deserves to be there. He taken the oath and made the pledge to the Elite Scouts that he’ll always serve and obey in a way that proves he deserves to be admired and valued for what he brings to every situation, no matter how big or small—and he couldn’t be happier to prove his devotion to The Order of Elite Scouts over and over again.
Played by Mark WintersScout Cole is a model for others to look up to. Tall, handsome, well educated, fit, knows his knots, and gets along great with scouts and scout leaders alike. The older men know they can trust Cole to lead in their place, often putting him in charge of smaller adventures with newer scouts. He’s handy with a compass and rope, making him a natural when it comes to hiking in the great outdoors. Beneath the well decorated uniform is a well developed young man, with not only a warm, friendly spirit, but a big cock as well!
Played by Cole Blue
A former member of the Elite Scouts himself, Scoutmatser Dietrich is proud and honored to continue the tradition as one of the scout leaders--the older men guiding the young charges. Having experienced the program from the other end, he knows just how to handle potentially nervous new Elite Scouts in a way that makes them feel safe and secure, while also never allowing them to forget that he's in charge, and they need to obey his orders.
Oliver is the one of the quietest boys in his troop. At a glance, one might even think he is shy. He is obedient and hard working, but he tends to keep to himself and finds solace in nature. That’s what drew him to the scouts to begin with. It was a chance to be outdoors, discovering things, building shelter, and living with respect for the land. And he likes spending time with his fellow scouts because they are all doing those things together… but he wants to do more. It’s the “more” that has Oliver tongue-tied sometimes. He’s been attracted to his scoutmasters and some of the other boys ever since he can remember, and the playful behavior he witnesses between other guys means something very different to him. Oliver hopes that pledging the Elite Scouts will be an opportunity to grow to be like the men he has admired all his life: strong, brave, and reliable. And hopefully he’ll be able to grow closer to them as well on his journey toward manhood.
Played by Oliver JamesScoutmaster Fantana has a reputation for being a no-nonsense kind of man—enlistment in the armed forces will do that—but that kind of life didn’t lead to the adventures he had imagined as a young man. He brought his expertise and attention to detail to the Order of Elite Scouts, where he found his own beginnings, along with a vision to help mold the young boys for success. He can seem somewhat regimental and detached to others, but providing the structure every young man subconsciously craves. He eats well and works out almost daily to set a physical example for the young scouts in his charge. He sees them staring at him out of the corner of his eye, the same sort of look he used to give his leaders when he was a young scout. He’s not the tallest man, but he’s a broad stack of solid muscle with wide, baby-blue eyes and an enviable bubble butt. He’s flattered by their attention, but his priority is the successful rearing of responsible, loyal leaders of the future. And if there’s time for play when the work is done, well… He knows how to play hard too.
Played by Rick Fantana
Scoutmaster Wolf has fond memories of scouting, and he takes great pleasure in seeing the faces of the young men he's handling at the ranch as they discover the same joys with him. His ability to help them accomplish what at first seems impossible to their wide eyes is well-known and widely respected within The Order of Elite Scouts both leaders and boys alike. And to be sure, he's proud of his ability to induct these boys into The Order after they have taken the oath and made their pledge.
The moment the leaders of The Order of Elite Scouts first noticed Scout Marcus, they earmarked him as a boy to keep an eye on. Since then, he's only fulfilled his early promise. He's always been the smaller guy in his age group, but hit puberty sooner. He loves showing off, fooling around with the other scouts, especially naked. He shows off his big nuts whenever he can. Marcus He may not be the most muscular or biggest, but he's got a cocky attitude and a heavy set of balls that make him feel cocky! Now that he's at the ranch as an Elite Scout, his scout leaders look forward to guiding the boy into manhood. And though Marcus doesn't know or fully appreciate everything that will be required of him, he's eager to show the older men and other boys that he's capable of accomplishing any order they command him to obey. After all, that's what being an Elite Scout is all about at the ranch.
Played by Marcus Rivers
Scout Jack Bailey is not a boy that is the best at making a good first impression. Despite having a killer all-American boy smile that could charm just about anyone who saw it, the boy was too timid for his own good. He finds himself getting tongue-tied around anybody that he wants to impress, especially the older men in his troop.
It seems as though Jack’s confidence evaporates around the older men who catch his attention. It’s nervous and exciting learning about the effect his smooth skin and killer smile had on the masters of the camp. He just needs to be a little more brave when it comes to interacting with his fellow campers. Jack knows that if he is brave enough to follow through with something, like signing up for the Scouts, he usually ends up enjoying it. The boy doesn’t exactly know what was waiting for him at camp, but he finds himself wanting to fully enjoy all of the time he was spending with the masters who were giving him guidance.
Troye is a super sexy, dark-haired boy, who’s as cute as he is innocent. He works hard at school and is always keen to impress. But with that neat, little smooth body and nice fat dick, how could he do anything BUT impress!
Played by Troye JacobsScoutmaster Charger is very much the definition of a silver fox. This sophisticated, handsome, debonair gent is always sauvely dressed. Lurking beneath the well-turned out uniform, however, is a man with irrepressible sexual urges and a giant cock which would make any but the most experienced partner shudder!
Played by Lance ChargerScoutmaster Smith joined the ScoutTroops as a child. After several dedicated decades moving up the pecking order, he finally became a Scoutmaster. After retiring from his day job in the city, Scoutmaster Smith committed his days and nights to the troop. The venerated veteran is a golden example of what a role model should be. All of the Scout Boys of the troop have a profound respect for him—and an irresistible draw to him. Scoutmaster Smith exudes seriousness and the propensity for following the rules, but he also has a knack for fun and adventure—particularly when a horny young Scout wanders into the handsome Scoutmaster’s tent…!
Played by Patriarch SmithScout Colton is cute as a button and innocent as anything, but this blond, smooth, chiseled boy is every Scoutmaster’s dream - largely because they know he has the potential to give an experienced man the ride of his life! Not only is he handsome, clean cut, and the vision of a good boy, but his ass fills out his shorts like few others!
Played by Colton FoxScoutmaster McKeon is about as red-blooded as a man can get. Lithe, aggressive, athletic, big-dicked and handsome, with a body which looks like it’s been chiseled out of marble. This Scoutmaster turns heads and gets exactly what he wants, wherever and whenever he wants it. He likes men of all ages, but has a penchant for opening the minds - and the holes - of the inexperienced. And boys are drawn in by his charisma and alluring beauty like moths to a flame.
Played by Greg McKeonScout Logan is about as innocent as a boy can get. This pint-sized, blond-haired cutie is conscientious, hard-working and always immaculately turned-out. He’s recently started questioning his sexuality. He finds himself regularly drawn to older men and, for a long time, put this down to a form of hero worship… but he’s started to wonder if there’s also an element of sexual attraction in the way he feels. He’s like catnip for older men, who take one look at him and instantly want to corrupt him!
Played by Logan CrossScout Landon is cute as a button, as green as grass, and painfully shy. He’s always been the little one, and he got teased about his height when he was growing up. He’d love to be taller, but the older he gets, the more he realizes that being little has certain benefits. He’s started to understand that certain older men, usually exactly the type that he’s drawn to, are rather fond of diminutive boys - especially when they look as lovely as Landon…
Played by Landon DavisAfter working in finance for more years than he cares to remember, Scoutmaster Banner took very early retirement and moved to the country where he started volunteering as a Scoutmaster. This handsome DILF with a shaved head has a tanned, beautifully-sculpted body - and a dick to die for. The ScoutBoys love him, and the feeling is often dangerously mutual!
Played by Ace BannerScoutmaster Snow may look like the sort of guy you’d find working in the city, with his neatly-trimmed beard and well-tailored clothes, but underneath the exterior of respectability is the ultimate red-blooded DILF. He has the body, the flexibility and the voracious stamina of an athlete, and a big fat dick which has anyone it comes into contact with literally begging for more.
Played by Adam SnowThis pint-sized cutie has a beautiful face and THE most infectious smile. Innocent as all hell, the moment he joined the scouts, most of the leaders couldn’t work out if they wanted to protect him or penetrate him. It’s likely that they’ll eventually get to do both; Scout Damien has a definite penchant for older men.
Played by Damien GreyThis cute, pint-sized boy is a confident, intelligent, practical scout who the Scoutmasters are lining up to mentor. They say the best things come in small packages, and this young blond cutie is certainly well-put-together, with a surprisingly well-defined torso and a stunningly beautiful butt!
Played by Serg ShepardThis sexy Scoutmaster’s biggest problem is that he finds innocence a massive turn on. His other problem is that he can’t walk into a space without turning young men’s heads. Scoutmaster Saint is the very definition of a DILF. He’s pumped, well-groomed, handsome as all hell, and hung like a horse. Saint by name. Kinky fucker by nature!
Played by Tyler SaintPint-sized, cute-boy Zack is as popular with the Scoutmasters as he is with the other Scouts. Smooth and supple, with a fervent sexual imagination he understands the power of a wanton look, even if he doesn’t yet understand where that might lead him…
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