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Scout noah Chapter 4: ankle splint

May 27, 2024 | Full Length Video : 26min 0sec

I dunno if I’m ready to call Mike my boyfriend. That all feels a bit too grown up for my liking. Don’t get me wrong; he’s a great guy, and he’s pretty amazing in the sack, but I can’t quite get away from that nagging feeling that I’m destined to be with an older guy. I still get these intense crushes on the Scoutmasters. I can’t help myself. My first two sexual experiences were with Scoutmasters and both encounters pretty much blew my mind. Obviously I’m trying to behave myself these days. Since things started with Mike, I’ve placed older men in the “you can look but not touch” category. But that doesn’t stop me from fantasizing…

My latest crush is on Scoutmaster Stone. I can barely look at him, he's so handsome. He’s tall and masculine and he looks great in a uniform. For some reason he always wears jeans instead of standard-issue pants, probably because his legs are too well-developed to fit into anything else. His jeans literally cling to his thighs like he’s been poured into them, and he’s plainly packing some serious meat down there. I could write novels based on the fantasies I’ve had about him.

Mike and ...More

Mike and I had a bit of free time this afternoon and thought we’d dust off our orienteering skills using the compass I got for Christmas. I think we were both kinda hoping we’d find ourselves somewhere secluded where we’d be able to make out. It’s kinda cool to do it in the woods. There’s always the risk that you’re gonna get caught and the feeling of a cool spring breeze tickling your naked body is one which shouldn’t be underestimated.

Of course, I managed to ruin everything. We were no more than half-a-mile away from camp when I slipped on some gravel, fell into a ditch and twisted my ankle. It hurt like hell, and for a few minutes I thought I might have broken something. Mike immediately went into practical mode and helped me back to the camp. Jeez, I felt ashamed. And of course, the first person to see me looking like a tragic failure was Scoutmaster Stone…

I wanted the earth to swallow me up whole. I have been trying my absolute hardest to impress that man, and limping into camp like a clown, yelling in agony is not exactly the best look. Once he got me sitting in his tent and had sent Mike off to get the first aid kit, I realized that his presence was actually really calming.

In fact, it pretty quickly became clear that I was more in a panic than I was in actual pain. He was very gentle with me and immediately removed my shoe, carefully squeezing parts of me to assess what was wrong. The more he touched me, the more I think we both realized that physically, I was fine. There was no swelling, the pain was dissipating. I started to feel like a real jerk.

To make matters worse, it soon became clear that Scoutmaster Stone was struggling to believe that I’d even had an accident and I had to acknowledge that I was rapidly beginning to look like the boy who cried wolf. Mike, of course, came hurtling back to the tent with the first aid kit looking like he’d just run a marathon. Scoutmaster Stone rolled his eyes, muttering something about knowing what was going on and telling Mike we wouldn’t be needing the kit because I was just fine.

One moment, I was feeling ashamed, waiting for some awful lecture about wasting a grown-man’s time and the next, Scoutmaster Stone was leaning into me and kissing me with intense passion.

My head immediately started spinning. On one hand, this was the very thing I’d fantasized about for months; on the other, Mike was right there, watching me be unfaithful to him with a freakin’ Scoutmaster! I couldn’t get my head around how bold Stone was. I mean, I know I’ve been giving him the eye, and no doubt blushing like crazy every time he looked back at me, but to make a pass so god damned quickly, and in front of Mike… The must have somehow known we’d been seeing each other.

As we kissed, I saw Scoutmaster Stone making brief eye-contact with Mike and the next thing I knew, Mike had shuffled over to me and was unbuttoning my shirt, seemingly not at all phased by what was happening. Scoutmaster Stone pulled away from me, and I looked over at Mike who had a big, dirty grin on his face. My heart started to pound with excitement.

Scoutmaster Stone was soon leaning over me, kissing me hungrily, pulling Mike’s hands onto my body. Moments later I was kissing Mike. There was suddenly something so incredibly sexy about him. The fact that he was taking the whole situation in his stride was hot as hell and it made me fucking horny. I started to undress him. I wanted him naked. Scoutmaster Stone was kneeling next to us, stripping while watching us make. I wanted to give him the mother of all floor shows.

I broke away from Mike and started attending to the Scoutmaster’s bulge, fumbling to unbuckle his leather belt before unzipping his jeans and pulling his rock-hard dick out of his pants. It was every bit as beautiful and impressive as I’d imagined. I squatted down and started to suck it. It tasted amazing. I could feel Mike’s hand running down the back of my shorts, over my ass cheeks and towards my hole. As I sucked the Scoutmaster’s dick, I could sense that he was looking at Mike and smiling. It’s weird to say that I felt a bit jealous, but I did. The idea that they were secretly communicating made me feel a little paranoid but I pushed those thoughts aside and focussed on giving Scoutmaster Stone the most awesome blow job. Judging by his moans and groans, I was doing an okay job. I fought the will to choke with every part of my body while he whispered “just keep your mouth on it…”

Director:Ethan Tate, JT
Producer:Legrand Wolf
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Scoutmaster Stone is the ultimate DILF; gray-haired, tanned, muscular and authoritative. There’s a sternness about him. He doesn’t suffer fools and he’s not easily impressed. This, of course, makes the boys desperate to please him. But they need to be careful what they wish for. Underneath that beautifully-turned-out uniform is a giant weapon, which would have even the most hardened bottom begging for mercy!

Played by Dillon Stone

This cute, dark-featured boy, comes across as a little clumsy and geeky. He’s always been a good boy. He likes books, snakes and computer code. What no one knows is that, lurking underneath the plain exterior is a kinky, red-hot lover with a massive dick!

Played by Mike Edge

Scout Noah always gets nervous and tongue-tied when he sees a handsome older man. He’s always been into dudes and usually finds himself drawn to the more vintage models, but has always been too scared to act on his lustful impulses. It’s only a matter of time before this ticking time bomb explodes, however. Noah comes in THE cutest little package; blonde hair, innocent blue eyes, a tidy little body and a surprisingly big dick. He turns heads wherever he goes.

Played by Noah White
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Scout Noah

Scout Noah: Chapters
1. The Pledge 21mn
Scoutmaster Tides is just so handsome! Every time I look at him I feel myself blushing and going all silly. When I found out that he’d be overseeing my Elite Scout pledge, I was almost too nervous to turn up. I knew I’d end up making a fool of myself in some way. He’s younger than the other Scoutmasters, which ought to make him much easier to talk to, but I don’t seem to be able to get a word out in his presence. To make matters worse, I always get the impression that he finds me quite amusing, which just serves to make me even more tongue-tied. So anyway, there I was, alone with him in the main office, trying to focus on what he was saying but failing miserably because I kept getting lost in his big blue eyes. Everything I said felt like it was turning to dust on my lips and I just knew I was blushing scarlet. He told me to stand and recite the pledge, but I had a raging boner in my uniform shorts and couldn't remember half of the words because I was putting too much effort into willing it to go down. In the end I managed to pull myself together for long enough to get the words out in vaguely the right order. I’ve said them enough times in my life so I was angry with myself for struggling so much. I kept trying to remind myself what an honor it was to be progressing through the Scouts like this, but as he approached me with the pin, I felt my knees turning to jello. It took him the longest time to attach the pin to my shirt pocket and then there was a crazy-long pause where I was expecting him to speak, but he just stood there, fussing over me, fiddling with my neckerchief and the collar of my shirt, almost as though he were somehow finding excuses to touch me. I didn’t dare to look at him. Of course, the rational side of my brain was dismissing every one of his movements, naggingly informing me that the thoughts my irrational brain was churning out would get me into a whole heap of trouble or humiliation. And yet he continued to touch me… He stopped and stared hard into my eyes. God only knows where I found the courage to keep his gaze. It was the most intense look. It felt so heavy and I knew it was heading somewhere special. He leaned into me and pushed his lips against mine. I’ve never kissed a dude before—to tell you the truth, I’ve never kissed anyone properly before, so I guess I just went with the flow and copied what he was doing, hoping desperately that he wasn’t suddenly going to pull away because I was so hopelessly inexperienced. It certainly felt a little weird and unnatural to begin with. It wasn’t at all how I’d imagined it would feel, but the more we kissed, the more I got into it. I loved how he smelt. His breath was minty and he was wearing a subtle scent which reminded me of something I once encountered on a cute guy in a swimming pool changing room. The Scoutmaster’s skin was smooth. He was very closely shaven so everything felt soft. His tongue flickered against my lips and then, as I parted them, it entered my mouth where it fluttered about like a butterfly. When I got the opportunity, I pushed my tongue back into his mouth and allowed it to slide and glide against his. He had his eyes closed. I couldn’t work out whether I should do the same. He ran his hands over my stomach and I almost yelped with surprise. I didn’t know I was so sensitive down there! This is going to sound lame, but the more he touched me and the more we made out, the more of a man I felt. The nerves evaporated and were replaced by a sense of desire which seemed to grow from my groin. He unzipped my shirt and I stared him straight in the eye, daring him to take it further, suddenly feeling like his equal rather than some stupid, giggling kid. He pulled my shirt off and then turned his attention to my shorts. I should have felt nervous—everything was moving so quickly—but I wanted him to see me naked. He let my shorts drop to the ground and then started to work on my underwear, cupping my now rock-hard dick in the palm of his hands before allowing it to bounce out. And then there we were, Scoutmaster Tides still fully dressed and me completely naked but for my cap and neckerchief. He ran his hand up and down the shaft of my dick and sent shivers of pure expectation surging through my body. My arms were suddenly covered in goosebumps. My nipples became tiny rocks. He pushed me against the desk. My dick momentarily got stuck on the wooden surface before a jet of precum flew out and allowed it to slide. He squatted behind me and I felt his tongue running over my ass cheeks. The sensation made me feel a little panicky, but the more he did it, the more I wanted it. By the time his tongue had slid into my crack and was flickering over my hole, I was in a state of pure ecstasy. It’s not something I’d ever felt before; I was hot and shaking, but simultaneously all tingly and cold. I could feel my heart throbbing in my chest, but also a sort of pounding in my balls and lower belly. The overall sensation was one of want… maybe even need. I needed him to keep going. He stood up behind me and I gingerly glanced around to see him undoing the belt on his uniform pants. I turned away and listened intently as he undid the top button and partially unzipped the fly. Then I heard the billowing sound of his shirt flying onto the chair behind. I held my breath. I Instinctively knew what was coming. I didn’t know how it would feel but I knew I wanted it. I heard him dropping his shorts and pulling down his underpants and sensed that he was moving towards me. I felt the tip of his dick pressing between my ass cheeks. I felt it pushing against my hole. It seemed impossibly large; the idea that it would ever get inside me was almost laughable. He started to push and I suddenly felt the head creeping into me. And then, in one single thrust, he pushed it all the way. I can’t begin to describe the sensation: It was a huge relief on one hand, but on the other, it hurt like hell. It genuinely felt as though I were losing control of my functions. It was the best I could do to stay calm. I somehow knew that if I succumbed to my panic, the whole thing would come crashing to an end. He started to slide in and out of me. I was losing my virginity. It was actually happening. This was how it felt to take another man’s dick. This was genuine intimacy. I was his boy, his plaything, and it was my duty to please him. My ass muscles spontaneously gripped his dick and I felt an unwavering desire to squeeze as hard as I could. He let out a gasp of pleasure. I looked around at him, marveling at the beauty of his ripped body, feeling both surprised and excited that he’d chosen me, and wondering if any other boy in the world could ever even hope to have such a powerful, sexy man take them for the first time. He kissed me and started to jerk my dick. I immediately felt a sense of desperation, almost as though there were no way he could ever fuck me hard or deep enough. I wanted every inch of his raw, lustful cock and I wanted to feel it exploding inside me. He pushed me onto my back on the desk and thrust his dick back into me, driving it harder and harder while staring down into my face. My dick was rock-hard and twitching, leaving glistening trails of pre-cum on my stomach. I looked into his face, willing him to want me as much as I wanted him, gripping onto his dick with every internal muscle I could engage... The faster and faster he went the louder and deeper I moaned. Then he pulled his huge dick out of me and started to jerk it frantically. He exploded like some sort of can of whipped cream. Enormous jets of his semen flew all over me, all over my dick and right up into my face. Then he pushed himself back into me and used the cum on my dick as lubrication as he jerked me into oblivion. I felt alive. I felt complete. I felt like, finally, a real man.
2. Pitching a Tent 20mn
I’ve wanted Scoutboy Noah with every fiber of my being from the moment I saw him. He’s just one of those who brings out the very dirtiest in a red-blooded man like me. It’s difficult to pinpoint exactly why I’m so drawn to him. It’s probably a combination of his immense cuteness, his diminutive stature, and a rather charming quality of earnestness. The boy works so hard to please his Scoutmasters. He’s always properly uniformed, always conscientious, always kind to the other Scouts. He also has the sort of puppy-dog eyes which were surely created by the Almighty simply to lead the weaker willed of us astray. He has the ability to fix you with a look which goes straight to your dick. I made it my mission to give the boy some one-on-one attention as often as I could, and this afternoon I was handed an unexpectedly golden opportunity to take him out into the woods, just the two of us, to develop his tent-pitching skills. As we strolled away from the camp, I realized that my dick was stiffening in my pants. I guess I’d already made the decision to make a pass at him, but there was something about the way that his uniform was clinging to his little body which made me unable to control my thoughts. I’ve no idea how I managed to stay sane for long enough to get a tent up. My uniform pants are incredibly tight at the best of times, so my hard-on must have been pretty obvious—as obvious as the spot of pre-cum which I suddenly realized was soaking through the front of my pants. I could see young Noah looking down there, excited by what he saw. We sat in the tent and joked about how ridiculously small it felt for something which was supposed to sleep two. I told him it had plainly been designed specifically with the aim of forcing those who slept in it to become intimate. I looked him in the eye and held his gaze expectantly. The look on his face suddenly changed to one of pure desire and I knew that I had him. I casually ran my hand over his thigh. He acted all coy, but instantly started to shuffle his way a little closer to me, puckering his sweet, rosy lips in anticipation. Moments later we were kissing—real tenderly to start with, but growing in intensity by the second. The boy was no stranger to kissing. He knew exactly what he was doing to the level that I felt almost certain that my hunch that he’d fooled around with other Scoutmasters was correct. Within seconds, he was having a good old grope of my bulge and I was tearing his shirt off. He smelt so good—surprisingly clean—and his soft skin felt so wonderful under my finger tips. He unzipped my pants and exposed my dick like he was unwrapping a chocolate bar. He was obviously deeply excited by what he was uncovering and soon had his lips pressed against it. The boy gave head like a pro and I found myself groaning with pleasure, my head spinning with dirty thoughts about what I was going to do to him. I pulled his underwear below his crack to expose his stunningly-peachy ass cheeks. I started to finger him in readiness and pushed down on the back of his head until he was choking on my meat. I got him squatting in front of me and thrust my hungry tongue deep into his beautiful smooth ass, getting him wet and slippery. Then I knelt behind him, lined myself up, and pushed my 9-inch raw penis into him. He let out a gasp which seemed to be a mixture of determination, pleasure and discomfort. For a while he rode me, inching his ass backwards and forwards on my solid dick, sinking a little deeper into me with every wriggle of his pelvis while I remained entirely still. And then we were full-on fucking with my arms wrapped around his chest as he threw himself up and down on my dick with extreme vigor. I got onto my back and the boy sat down on my dick again, riding me with long, intense strokes, squeezing his ass muscles around my cock, while jerking his own rock-hard penis. It was a beautiful sensation. Then suddenly, just like that, he let out a roar and his dick started spewing semen all over my belly and chest. Seconds later, I could feel the spunk rising in my own balls. I threw him onto his back and exploded all over his torso, wondering if anything would ever feel as good as that again!
3. The Hike 16mn
I don’t know what’s gotten into me of late. Since joining the Elite Scouts I’ve pretty much been out of control, on a seemingly endless quest for the ultimate orgasm. It turns out that I’ve got a thing for older men. Fortunately, it also turns out that I’m like catnip to the very men I lust after the most. I don’t know if I should admit to being pretty proud to have been fucked every which way by nearly every one of our Scoutmasters. It’s certainly been an adventure, and I’ve become an expert in being sneaky. When you’re slipping away every five seconds to suck someone else’s dick, you have to be discrete and know how to cover your tracks. Someone who’s so specifically into older men probably shouldn’t be admitting that he’s developed a bit of a crush on a boy his own age, but the more I look at fellow Scout Mike, the more he intrigues me. It’s funny; when I first met him, I thought he was a bit of a weirdo. He’s geeky, he’s into strange shit and his body just doesn’t seem to move the way he wants it to. Then, one day, he turned up to an expedition wearing a ludicrously tight pair of pants and I suddenly realized what an enormous bulge he was packing. And from that moment on, it was all I could think about. I was pretty certain that he was a virgin and I rapidly became completely obsessed with the idea of being his first. I wanted to teach him some of the tricks I’d learned. We started hanging out and I began to flirt a bit… and then a lot. I could never quite tell if he was feeling it. Sometimes I’d think I was onto a sure thing, and then he’d start going on about his girlfriend (whose name changed at least three times so she was plainly a figment of his imagination), but I often wondered if his mentioning her was a subtle way of getting me to back off when he felt uncomfortable. We had a bit of free time one afternoon, so we headed out into the woods to see if we could find any snakes. Mike loves snakes. See? I told you he was into weird shit. Anyway, there we were in the middle of nowhere, and I’d been thinking about sex for hours, so I decided to pretend I’d heard a noise and then I was lamely trying to convince him that we were about to happen upon a pair of hikers who’d stumbled off the beaten track and decided to have a bit of alfresco fucking. He plainly didn’t believe me, but kinda entered into the spirit of the fantasy, saying he felt like if it were him in the woods making out, he’d be doing so as silently as was humanly possible. No one would hear him at it. Of course, I immediately felt as though every last drop of blood in my body was either flowing to my face or to my dick. I dunno what came over me. Maybe I’ve started to think and behave like a Scoutmaster, but I stepped right up to him, looked directly into his dark, brooding eyes and said, “Prove it.” And that was it. Suddenly we were kissing. He was surprisingly good at it and certainly wasn’t as freaked out about it as I thought he might have been. He tasted really good as well. It sounds crazy, but as he started groping me, I realized what enormous hands he has. Then I felt his crotch pushing into mine, and I figured there was definitely something quite impressive on the prowl down there. What can I say? We went there looking for snakes… I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face as I undid his belt and pushed down his pants, falling to my knees in the process. His dick wasn’t actually fully hard yet, but it was already making my eyes water. Frankly, it was pretty tricky to fit it into my mouth even while it was semi-hard. I felt this rush of insane excitement as it began to stiffen in my mouth, I looked up at him and realized how massively into him I was. I wanted him to lose his virginity inside my ass and I wanted it rough and brutally hard. And then it was like he was reading my mind. Something suddenly seemed to come over him and all that Mikey-awkwardness drained away. It struck me in retrospect that he’d probably not been sucked before, and that, by doing so, I was awakening something in him. There was no going back now. Mike was intent on going from zero to sixty right then and there. He murmured something crude about my ass, before standing me up and pushing me against a tree. Maybe in these instances there’s a carnal instinct which takes over? I mean, animals in the wild seem to know how to do it without reading instruction manuals or studying porn? Mike certainly knew that he wanted my ass and that he’d need to get it wet if the transaction was going to be successful. He squatted behind me and fairly casually shoved his tongue into my ass. He wasn’t doing it with a great deal of finesse, but there was something really sexy about the fact that he was merely going through the motions. He didn’t need me to enjoy being rimmed, he just knew that it was a process which needed to happen for him to get what he wanted. I was desperate to know how his cock would feel slicing into me. I clung onto the tree branch and waited for the magical moment… He stood up behind me and basically just shoved it in. He didn’t ask permission. He didn’t check if I had a condom or needed him to use one. He just pushed it in, in the middle of a forest, with me smushed-up against a tree. There was no romance. He lost his virginity, still half-dressed in his Scout uniform, with no build up, no nerves and no ceremony. His dick felt huge inside me. Plainly it felt considerably larger as a result of him making no attempt whatsoever to warm me up and deciding instead to simply pound me like it was his birthright, but there’s no getting around the fact that he’s a very very big boy down there. I looked back and saw that he was gritting his teeth and it struck me he was trying to bang me as hard as possible. I’d become so used to the sophistication of the Scoutmasters that it was a pleasantly pervy change to have someone simply use me for his own pleasure. He went harder and faster and then suddenly pulled out of me, jerking himself until his warm spunk squirted all over my lower back. I was quite impressed that he pushed himself back into me afterwards. The boy’s a natural. And the boy’s gonna get it again and again and again…
4. Ankle Splint 27mn
I dunno if I’m ready to call Mike my boyfriend. That all feels a bit too grown up for my liking. Don’t get me wrong; he’s a great guy, and he’s pretty amazing in the sack, but I can’t quite get away from that nagging feeling that I’m destined to be with an older guy. I still get these intense crushes on the Scoutmasters. I can’t help myself. My first two sexual experiences were with Scoutmasters and both encounters pretty much blew my mind. Obviously I’m trying to behave myself these days. Since things started with Mike, I’ve placed older men in the “you can look but not touch” category. But that doesn’t stop me from fantasizing… My latest crush is on Scoutmaster Stone. I can barely look at him, he's so handsome. He’s tall and masculine and he looks great in a uniform. For some reason he always wears jeans instead of standard-issue pants, probably because his legs are too well-developed to fit into anything else. His jeans literally cling to his thighs like he’s been poured into them, and he’s plainly packing some serious meat down there. I could write novels based on the fantasies I’ve had about him. Mike and I had a bit of free time this afternoon and thought we’d dust off our orienteering skills using the compass I got for Christmas. I think we were both kinda hoping we’d find ourselves somewhere secluded where we’d be able to make out. It’s kinda cool to do it in the woods. There’s always the risk that you’re gonna get caught and the feeling of a cool spring breeze tickling your naked body is one which shouldn’t be underestimated. Of course, I managed to ruin everything. We were no more than half-a-mile away from camp when I slipped on some gravel, fell into a ditch and twisted my ankle. It hurt like hell, and for a few minutes I thought I might have broken something. Mike immediately went into practical mode and helped me back to the camp. Jeez, I felt ashamed. And of course, the first person to see me looking like a tragic failure was Scoutmaster Stone… I wanted the earth to swallow me up whole. I have been trying my absolute hardest to impress that man, and limping into camp like a clown, yelling in agony is not exactly the best look. Once he got me sitting in his tent and had sent Mike off to get the first aid kit, I realized that his presence was actually really calming. In fact, it pretty quickly became clear that I was more in a panic than I was in actual pain. He was very gentle with me and immediately removed my shoe, carefully squeezing parts of me to assess what was wrong. The more he touched me, the more I think we both realized that physically, I was fine. There was no swelling, the pain was dissipating. I started to feel like a real jerk. To make matters worse, it soon became clear that Scoutmaster Stone was struggling to believe that I’d even had an accident and I had to acknowledge that I was rapidly beginning to look like the boy who cried wolf. Mike, of course, came hurtling back to the tent with the first aid kit looking like he’d just run a marathon. Scoutmaster Stone rolled his eyes, muttering something about knowing what was going on and telling Mike we wouldn’t be needing the kit because I was just fine. One moment, I was feeling ashamed, waiting for some awful lecture about wasting a grown-man’s time and the next, Scoutmaster Stone was leaning into me and kissing me with intense passion. My head immediately started spinning. On one hand, this was the very thing I’d fantasized about for months; on the other, Mike was right there, watching me be unfaithful to him with a freakin’ Scoutmaster! I couldn’t get my head around how bold Stone was. I mean, I know I’ve been giving him the eye, and no doubt blushing like crazy every time he looked back at me, but to make a pass so god damned quickly, and in front of Mike… The must have somehow known we’d been seeing each other. As we kissed, I saw Scoutmaster Stone making brief eye-contact with Mike and the next thing I knew, Mike had shuffled over to me and was unbuttoning my shirt, seemingly not at all phased by what was happening. Scoutmaster Stone pulled away from me, and I looked over at Mike who had a big, dirty grin on his face. My heart started to pound with excitement. Scoutmaster Stone was soon leaning over me, kissing me hungrily, pulling Mike’s hands onto my body. Moments later I was kissing Mike. There was suddenly something so incredibly sexy about him. The fact that he was taking the whole situation in his stride was hot as hell and it made me fucking horny. I started to undress him. I wanted him naked. Scoutmaster Stone was kneeling next to us, stripping while watching us make. I wanted to give him the mother of all floor shows. I broke away from Mike and started attending to the Scoutmaster’s bulge, fumbling to unbuckle his leather belt before unzipping his jeans and pulling his rock-hard dick out of his pants. It was every bit as beautiful and impressive as I’d imagined. I squatted down and started to suck it. It tasted amazing. I could feel Mike’s hand running down the back of my shorts, over my ass cheeks and towards my hole. As I sucked the Scoutmaster’s dick, I could sense that he was looking at Mike and smiling. It’s weird to say that I felt a bit jealous, but I did. The idea that they were secretly communicating made me feel a little paranoid but I pushed those thoughts aside and focussed on giving Scoutmaster Stone the most awesome blow job. Judging by his moans and groans, I was doing an okay job. I fought the will to choke with every part of my body while he whispered “just keep your mouth on it…”
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