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Staying with dad Tape 5: the stranger

Mr Scott & His Boy Hunter Scott
May 31, 2024 | Full Length Video : 15min 6sec

The first night when Hunter moved in, things were awkward.

Well, that’s an understatement, considering everything that happened earlier that day. I don’t think my ex wife set out to sabotage our relationship; she just can’t help herself. I didn’t help things by trying to sneak off to the alley next to my building for a quickie, either. Hunter and I worked it out in spite of everything, although it didn’t go how I expected.

Hunter was ...More

Hunter was a wounded boy who needed love and affirmation for the wonderful young man that he is. Sex between a father and son may not be “natural” to some but when they are both gay, and especially when they have been thrown together because they are gay, sex is the language they speak. I reached out to him and gave him the love he needed in the way that he could understand and accept.

Since that night, our love has grown deeper by the day, as has our sexual relationship, and neither of us would change a thing about that night, or anything since. There was one thing I noticed, though, right away, the first time he knelt between my legs and looked up at me with my cockhead resting on his lips. My son is a boy, or at least he’s my “Boy.” The look in his eyes was unmistakable.

My primary sexual identity is not really being a “Daddy.” I like all kinds of men of all ages, and I like doing all sorts of things with them, but being a “Daddy” is a game I’m more than willing to play. I do like fucking younger men. With my looks and build, I’m practically a poster model for a DILF, and most of the younger men who are attracted to me are inevitably boys by comparison. There was a time when that look in their eyes intimidated me; almost terrified me, really. It seemed like a bottomless pit of expectation that I was falling into and a pedestal of admiration that I might fall off of, all at once. Over time, my confidence grew, along with my maturity, as well as an understanding of how a boy’s mind worked.

I don’t think young men are born to be boys, but it is something deeper and more compelling than just a social label. When a real boy meets a man like me, a “Daddy”, his breath gets shallow, his heart beats faster, his knees get weak. If you know how to recognize it, you can see it in his eyes. That look of not just desire, but submission.

If I want him, I meet his eyes with a look of stern control and a slightly amused half smile. I step up close enough for him to smell my musk and, if he doesn’t back off, I reach up slowly to the back of his neck, take him firmly in my hand, and pull him in for a kiss. If he’s wearing leather, I reach up with my other hand, grab his tit with my fingers and pinch, just until I feel his body stiffen. If he melts into my chest, often with a soft vulnerable moan, I know I’ve got him. It's a powerful moment; intimidating as hell if you are not prepared for it, and hot as hellfire itself, if you are ready and willing to take him.

That night, with my son kneeling between my legs about to suck his father’s cock for the first time, I saw that look. It shot through me like cupid’s arrow. For the first time in years, I had that feeling of intimidation and vertigo, but also an incredible feeling of love and the fierce need to protect the sweet boy willing to give me that gift.

I knew I had to give him space, though. Our relationship had to move on his terms. I was also not sure how much he understood about his own feelings. He has had almost no exposure to gay life beyond loitering in a city park having bush sex with closet cases. Aside from that, maybe what I saw was just the understandable vulnerability of a young man as confused by what was happening between us as I was.

As the weeks have gone by, we’ve settled into a routine together. We are still getting to know each other, though. We have a lot of time to make up for, and a lot of history to sort out. I still sometimes see the “boy” in Hunter peak out, or at least I think I do. Last night led to a conversation about sexual fantasies. Hunter very cautiously admitted that he has fantasized about, “being dominated by a stranger.”

I suppressed a smile as my cock grew hard in my pants. I knew it. My son was almost ready for a “Daddy.” A stranger! Seriously?! Like I was going to give my son to a stranger? I don’t think so! These things have to be handled gently, though. I took a deep breath, tried to be casual and said, “I could be your stranger.”


“Will you do what I say?”


“Get on your knees.”

I felt like it was too soon for dirty talk, much less anything as intense as spanking, or even really rough sex. I fucked him, though. For the first time, I wasn’t gentle. I didn’t make love to him. I put him face down on the bed and fucked him hard; like he was a stranger. I used his hole for my pleasure, to get me off. It was exhilarating!

I hadn’t been with anybody but Hunter, since he caught me with the other guy in the alley. Sex with Hunter has been wonderful, unique, and special, but I’ve held back, let it be about him first. Now it was my turn and I only realized how much I’ve missed real fucking when I started pounding my cock into my son’s hole.

For the next ten minutes, he wasn’t my son, he was my fucktoy, and I rode him, squirming and whimpering, until the sweat dripped off of my face. I dumped my load deep in his guts and he took it all. My son Hunter is a very special boy, and I’m a very proud Daddy.

Director:Brian Fitzgibbons
Producer:Legrand Wolf
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Hunter was a good kid. He was always well-behaved and made good grades in school. He took his parents divorce hard, though. The worst part was that they didn’t even tell him that the reason was that his mother had caught his father having sex with another man.

On top of dealing with missing his dad, Hunter was now realizing that he was gay. During one of his increasingly frequent arguments with his mom, Hunter blurted out his truth. His mother, saying that she couldn’t take it any more, called her husband to come get their son. Hunter is glad to be reunited with his dad, but not sure how his dad will feel about having a gay son. Little does he know…

Played by Hunter Graham

Mr. Scott and his wife had been best friends since elementary school. When they got old enough, they started dating but it was obvious that he wasn’t that sexually into her. When he finally came out, it wasn’t exactly a surprise. Neither one wanted to end their friendship, though, and she secretly never gave up hope that it might just be a phase for him.

One night in college they got drunk and things got out of hand. She didn’t try to seduce him, but she didn’t stop him either. When she later told him she was pregnant, he asked her to marry him and never regretted it for a second. Their son, Hunter, is his pride and joy, and the best thing he could imagine ever happening to him. Even though they tried to make it work, a platonic marriage wasn’t really satisfying either of them. Finally, his wife demanded a divorce and, even though it broke his heart, he agreed that it was best for Hunter for him to stay with his mother. Then she called to tell him that his son was gay, too, and he needed to come and get him…

Played by Reece Scott
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Staying with Dad

Staying with Dad: Tapes
1. Cruising 32mn
Things haven’t exactly been easy since my wife caught me having sex with another man a few years ago and kicked me out. The worst part of it was having to leave my son Hunter behind. He’s my whole world. He had a nice house, his school, and friends, though, while I was moving into a small apartment in another town to come out and start my life over. I don’t know why I agreed, but we decided that it was best to not tell Hunter that I was gay until he was older. That meant that he didn’t have any reasonable idea why his mother and I split up and she made it seem like it was my choice to leave. It added emotional distance to the real physical distance between us. That was several years ago. It’s been nice having my freedom but, mostly, I’ve been living on autopilot. Trying to make a new life has been harder than I expected. The worst thing is that I miss my son so much! I’ve just settled into a rut in the tiny apartment that I got when I first moved here. It’s pretty sorry but I just haven’t had any reason to get something better. That all changed a week ago when my ex-wife called me. Hunter has been having increasing behavior and attitude problems but we just blamed them on the divorce. Recently, though, his mother, concerned that he might be getting involved in illegal activity, confronted him. Hunter lost his temper and told her that he is gay and had been meeting other men for sex in the dark of the local park. She was on the phone with me within hours. She said she couldn’t, and wouldn’t, deal with him and I needed to come get him. Part of me was overjoyed to have my boy with me again, another part was freaking out. My son was gay, and my wife told my son that I was gay in the middle of an argument. My son was cruising parks for sex. I had no idea how he felt about any of it and he wouldn’t return my calls. If all of that wasn’t enough, he was moving into my crappy apartment with me and I didn’t even have a bed for him to sleep in. Saying the first few days were awkward is an understatement. Then, I actually made it worse: There is a younger guy in my building that I’ve been hooking up with for several months. Usually, he comes to my place but, with Hunter here, that hasn't been possible. Last night Hunter decided to go out, though. I wasn’t comfortable about it but I don’t want him to feel like he’s in jail. We agreed that he would just go out for an hour. After he walked out the door, I realized that gave me an hour to myself as well, and I called my friend. I was afraid to have him come over. My friend said it would be hot to meet behind the garbage dumpster in the alley next to the building. I don’t know why I agreed. Maybe, I thought it was kind of hot, too. In the middle of getting a blowjob, though, I looked up and saw Hunter at the end of the alley watching me. Part of me wanted to die, another part shot a massive load down my friend's throat. I headed back to the apartment to face Hunter. Things were tense. I think both of us were embarrassed. Both of us being gay had been the elephant in the room since Hunter moved in. I’d been waiting for him to feel comfortable enough to bring it up on his own, but he hadn’t. I wanted to be supportive and I knew he needed the kind of guidance and advice that all young gay men need, and he obviously hadn’t been getting it from an older, wiser friend. At the same time, I’m his father and I had to set rules for him, even if he didn’t like it. It made it even more difficult that he’s so sexy! We’ve had facetime conversations before, but it wasn’t until I saw him in person again that I realized what a difference these few years had made. He was always cute, but he’s grown from being a cute boy into a handsome young man. He can still be so shy and vulnerable, but he’s having sex in the park and… damn! I mean he’s my son and I shouldn’t be thinking about him like that, and neither of us should be having sex in public, but I just can’t help but think about meeting him in an alley. He gave me fantasies. We were sitting on the couch and we really needed to talk about all of it, but I didn’t know how to start. I wanted to be the responsible father figure but the sexual tension between us was just too strong to pretend like it wasn’t there. I took a deep breath and asked, “Would you like to…” His answer was to scoot over and curl up next to me with this shy hungry look in his eyes and his hands on my crotch. When our lips met all of my doubts were gone. This was so right! He slipped my cock into his mouth; it was the best thing I ever felt in my life. The look in his eyes when he gazed up at me, from between my knees, made it clear that Hunter didn’t need a father as much as he needed a Daddy. There would be times that I would have to be his father, but I didn’t just want to love Hunter as my son. I wanted to make love to him as my boy. Before Hunter went down on me, I was wishing I hadn’t gotten a blowjob in the alley because it was so embarrassing. I had gone over the edge during my dumpster dicking and I pulled out. I was sorry I wasted my load in the alley and didn’t have more to shoot all over my boy’s sweet, handsome face. But I knew, somehow, I'd make up for it.
2. Travel Delay 33mn
Mr. Scott smiled on a bright and sunny morning as he cooked himself and his young son Hunter breakfast. The fine and traditional good looks of Mr. Scott were enhanced by the fact that he stood in the middle of the kitchen, spatula in hand, in just his tighty-whities. He looked over his beefy shoulders and saw his son Hunter as he waltzed in. The boy had a sultry look in his eye. It really was no wonder, that look, considering the passionate night of fooling around together they had just had. Hunter perched his chin on his father’s shoulder and softly kissed his neck. Mr. Scott took a deep breath: his son’s early morning aroma was simply divine. Alas, breakfast was just about ready… An hour later, Mr. Scott and Hunter found themselves in the master bedroom. Hunter had just gotten the sad news during breakfast that his father would be leaving on a business trip out of state for one week. Mr. Scott tried to soothe and calm his son, but to no avail. The boy merely batted his eyelids and laid spread-eagle over the bed, trying to block his father from reaching his suitcase. Just a few days ago, Hunter wouldn’t have cared less about his departure. Now the boy acted like he couldn’t live one hour without his DILF dad. But all that aside, Mr. Scott really needed to get going. In frantic desperation, Hunter blocked his father yet again with his little twink body and offered up one last plea. The needful boy promised to let his daddy go, but first would he please fuck his ass real good? Mr. Scott’s jaw dropped, but he recovered just enough to ask if the boy really wanted it or not? Hunter just scoffed like it was the dumbest question in the world. Of course he wanted his irresistibly sexy dad to fuck him! How could he not? More than that, Mr. Scott very profoundly desired the relationship with Hunter to go to the absolute limits—and beyond. The feelings that he had for the boy were intense and no words could adequately describe, but Mr. Scott was determined to show Hunter through the act of making love. Packing would just have to wait! The sweet-faced twink returned the passion that he and his father shared by using his hands, lips, and tongue to drive the point home. Father and son started groping; Hunter moaned into his hot daddy’s mouth as he felt up the DILF’s ripped physique. With hungry eyes, Hunter unzipped his father’s pants and pulled them down. Mr. Scott’s dick was as solid as an oak. And yet, with astonishing grace and ease, the boy got to licking, kissing and sucking for all he was worth. The boy feasted, providing the type of fellacio that even an experienced lover like Mr. Scott was impressed by. The proud papa marveled at his son’s insatiable appetite. The kid was damn good—he needed very little, if any, guidance or correcting. Heck, Hunter might just give the best blowjob he’d ever had. So good, in fact, he nearly got on his cell phone and postponed the business trip. However, this was not possible, and the flight would be leaving soon. So Mr. Scott gently pulled the boy off of his penis and instructed him to flip over, get face down, and put his beautiful round bottom up so that daddy could get that hole ready! Hunter gripped the sheets and tried to retain consciousness as his father rimmed the wailing twink like he was famished. The boy pushed his ass back, helping his old man jam his tongue into him just as deep as it would go. The nearly delirious twink tossed his head to-and-fro, dazzled and loving life, as his father kissed and licked every inch of the boy’s smooth bottom. Mr. Scott darted his tongue around Hunter’s button-sized boy-entry. When the DILF finally came up for air, Hunter thought the mind-blowing rim job was at its completion. Truth of the matter was that Mr. Scott hardly cared about getting to the airport on time anymore. He would enjoy every last drop of this boy to his satisfaction or not at all. And certainly the latter was not an option—not any more. Next, Hunter flipped onto his back. Mr. Scott tenderly requested that his son pull his legs back and expose that mouth-watering hole again. The groaning, moaning dad made out with his son’s tender anus. And then, Hunter’s eyes flew wide open as he realized that his huffing, puffing father had replaced his mouth with his huge cock head. The twink held on tight and reminded himself to breathe. After all, Hunter was no stranger to intercourse, but he literally had never taken a penis inside of him quite this size before—and he could barely contain his excitement! As Mr. Scott eased his massive, swollen cock-head against the boy’s pink hole. Hunter took a deep breath and looked up at the DILF with pleading eyes; he wanted daddy to go slow, but he also desperately needed to be fucked. Father and son moaned in unison as Mr. Scott plunged slowly deeper. Hunter had thought that he’d been fucked before in a ton of postions, but Mr. Scott definitely took the prize for not just inventiveness but lasting power. The lust-driven daddy could drill a hot, young dude into the mattress for literally hours on end. Mr. Scott could have easily sexed Hunter up for days before resting, but that would have to wait until he returned home from his trip! In the meantime… Hunter sucked his daddy’s tongue into his mouth as they passionately made love. Mr. Scott’s penis swelled to even thicker lengths as his impending climax built up in his loins. The sensations this gave deep inside of the boy caused him to squeal and then shoot a syrupy sweet cumshot. This amazing moment was more than the overstimulated elder could take. Mr. Scott pulled Hunter close up against him as he came. He kissed the boy more intensely, and with more lust, love, and desire than he’d ever felt in his life. Hunter clung to his daddy and kissed him back just as hard as he could while his father erupted into him. And later on the plane, Mr. Scott daydreamed about his son and all of the countless wonders that made up the beautiful boy. He sighed. A whole week…but then he imagined Hunter’s welcome-home-dad-now-fuck-me smile that awaited upon his return. It’s always nice, he thought, to have something to return to.
3. Quiet Night In 29mn
The evening had started off normally enough. My son Hunter was home from school and had finished his homework. We made dinner together and chatted about our day sitting at the kitchen table. Later on, we made our way into the living room and cuddled together on the couch, watching the evening news. As the challenging events of today’s world played out before us, I noticed Hunter had gotten very serious and quiet—which was a bit unlike him. Normally, my son is very chipper and conversational during our tv watching, but something about the endless wars, political strife, and economic uncertainty of our nation had clearly gotten to him. I am not a man of many words by nature, but I started feeling as if I should say something to make sure my boy was okay. There were probably a million things I could have said, but instead I kissed him lovingly on the top of his head and held him even tighter to me. Finally, Hunter looked up. I could plainly see that my son was indeed a bit rattled by the news stories. I turned the volume down in case he wanted to share what might be on his mind. My boy takes very much after his old man and instead of commenting, he leaned up and kissed me tenderly on the lips. I kissed him back and gently stroked his arm. Finally, it was obvious that Hunter was getting antsy. He couldn’t sit still any longer; he kept rubbing my muscled biceps and meaty thighs. My cock responded instinctively and then I started touching the boy all over. Suddenly, Hunter twisted around and threw his arms around me. We locked eyes for just a hot moment and then immediately started making out. I love how close the two of us have gotten in the short time that my son has been living with me since my divorce from his mother. At first, Hunter was displeased with the small space. However, now that we had begun having a sexual relationship, we shared the same room and the same bed. These days, from my perspective, it seems that Hunter doesn’t care where we live, just as long as we are together. The boy clung to me as our lips and tongues once again explored one another’s mouths; my own tongue savoring Hunter’s taste. And his sweet, warm breath all over my face as he got more and more excited by my touch was simply heaven on earth. Soon my son’s eager little hands and fingers began to hurriedly unbutton my jeans. He pulled my steel-hard erection out and instantly put it inside his mouth. I ran my hand through his soft, sexy, light-brown hair and hummed my approval. Now that Hunter and I were on the level with one another mentally and emotionally, I was beginning to see a different side to him. Right after the divorce from his mother, Hunter could barely stand the sight of me. He pulled no punches with his passive-aggressiveness and was never shy about displaying his annoyance and disdain with nearly every word that came out of my mouth. As our newly discovered passion for one another blossomed, the boy could hardly stand to leave my side; he hung onto every word that I said. Before, Hunter aimed to displease me at every opportunity. Now, he aimed to please me in every way possible. As my son administered yet another one of his fantastic deep-throat blowjobs, I couldn’t help but once again feel like I was in a dream. I was simply overjoyed by the eager, earnest working-over that my son’s magical tongue was subjecting my stiffy to. To be blunt, I had to fight the urge to grab Hunter’s sweet, precious face, jam my cock as deep down his delicate throat as I could, and empty my load straight into his belly. Honestly, I had a notion that if we talked about it first, the boy would definitely at least let me try. In any case, I eventually pulled the boy off of my swollen cock and motioned for him to get back onto the couch so I could pull his pants off. He did this right away and as he held onto the back of the couch he sighed deeply as I yanked his trousers down, exposing his perfect boy hole. Hunter would let me spend hours—pre-planned or not—devouring the delicacy that is his twink hole. I always enjoy every morsel, every lick of the soft, tender skin around his pucker. And I’m adept at utilizing my own tongue to elicit deep moans along with his sexy, deep sighs. I pulled Hunter’s hard-on back so that I could run my tongue along the underside, then tasted his taint before going back to relishing his pretty pucker again. Once the boy’s hole was slick and ready for me, I removed the last of my clothes. Then I lounged back against the couch cushions and, without a word, Hunter instinctively knew what to do. He hurriedly threw his boxers off and mounted me. As he slowly sunk down onto my cock, I was once again astounded by the fact that the petite boy and his tiny ass could take every inch. My sweet, sweet boy. How he loves to ride daddy’s cock! Hunter squeezed his sphincter so that the amazing sensation felt like a fist gripping my papa-pole. Sweat was trickling down my forehead and the heat of our passion had my body sheened with perspiration. I knew that I couldn’t possibly last much longer. I had the sex-crazed craving to power-fuck my boy in the doggy position—and so that’s what we did. All sense of space and time vanished. The television we were watching had become a vague memory that seemed like a bad dream. The only thing that mattered to me during our final gallop to the finish line was the desire, the need, the craving to climax together. Hunter rocked back onto my cock—primal, needful, sweetly agonizing as every inch of me slammed into him making us both call out in blissful harmony. I gave one final thrust and the angels in heaven couldn’t sing a more profound, joyful hymn than I did in the moment that I came. As shot-after-blessed-shot coursed into my son, he turned back to me and stroked my chest and abs. His adoring gaze was a silent prayer of thanks for what must have been a breathtaking cum of his own. As I slowly, delicately inched my way out of Hunter’s well-loved hole, we both marveled at the amount of thick, juicy daddy semen that oozed out of him. I used my cock head to playfully smear the cum all over his entry. God, I already wanted more, so I sunk my shaft back into him, causing the boy to throw his head back again in sensuous wonder. Hunter glanced back at me and smiled. He wanted more, too. I knew that for the foreseeable future, we would be happily making up for all of the lost time together. We kissed deeply and then I began to envision the next place I wanted to plant my seed…
4. Early to Rise 35mn
Getting a divorce after more than twenty years of marriage, one could say there were some major changes in my life. Before my son Hunter moved in with me a few weeks back, I’d spent almost a year living alone. I’d become quite independent and got used to spending much of my time either at work or enjoying single life—basically left to my own devices. But now, having my son with me during most of my free time—including bedtime—has been quite a change from the norm. Not that I mind. Waking up to Hunter cuddling against me every morning has been quite the treat. The boy somehow wakes up gorgeous and ready for love each and every day. I felt like the luckiest guy on planet Earth. On this particular early morning, I had been having a magnificent dream. In the dream, Hunter was performing incredible miracles with his lips and tongue on my big daddy cock. Sweet agony blended with incredible ecstasy all in one. My boy was a magical boy with a magical touch. I thought I was going to blast into his mouth when suddenly I woke up! Except it wasn’t just a dream…my groggy eyes were still adjusting, but–-Hunter was actually going to town on my hard-on in real life! My eyes snapped fully open. Good grief, the boy was certainly hungry this morning! Famished by lust and obsessed with my penis, Hunter slurped, suckled, and salivated all over the ten-inch erection. And I quickly realized that I was perilously close to cumming—just like in the dream—if my son kept up that kind of oral treatment. I stroked the boy’s soft, light brown hair. He looked up and dazzled me with those soft hazel eyes. Hunter crawled up my hairy chest and planted a warm, wet, happy kiss right on the lips. I slipped my tongue inside that cinnamon-sugar flavored twink mouth. I savored Hunter’s cute, pouty lips and his sweet morning breath. I reached down and began to stroke my son’s rod—which was growing to be so much like mine. The boy was less than half my age and yet his penis was nearly as long and thick as my own. My morning appetite was starting to kick in, so I slid down the mattress and swallowed the boy’s cock whole. His sexy little grunts of pleasure and desire quickly turned to long, loud moans as I started to simultaneously suck his rod and finger his pink, hairless hole. After a good long while of that, I turned Hunter over onto his side and asked if he was ready. The boy nodded eagerly and begged me to penetrate him—deep. Any and every wish my son declares in our bed always gets granted. My sweet boy warbled, whinnied, and wanked his aching cock as I long-dicked him while he bounced on my dick. Just the sight of Hunter’s knee-knocking, naughty smile alone gets me hot. After making love in several amazing positions, I could feel the edges of my control begin to waver. I guided Hunter flat onto his stomach and began really driving into his vise-grip hole. Good thing I had hold of the boy, as he began to cry out and insist on my fucking him harder. We would have broken the bed had I fucked him with any more enthusiasm! Sweat was streaming down Hunter’s face. My whole body was roasting hot, perspiration soaking my body and dripping onto the wailing boy underneath me. I hoisted myself up and held steady with my forearms as I continued to pound my son’s tiny ass, except with a much more rapid pace. I know I was hitting Hunter’s heavenly sweet spot because he kept making that precious vocal blend of a sigh and a squeak. I just couldn’t restrain myself any longer. I thrust one last time and froze. Rope after thick, creamy rope of semen blasted from my cock. I honestly might’ve passed out for just a moment as the powerful orgasm rocked my body, heart, and entire lifeforce. I kissed my son all over his face, ears and neck as we tried to catch our breath. Eventually, I had the strength to pick myself up as Hunter laid there, still processing. Savoring his own sensations after what probably had to have been a pretty epic cum into the mattress. I slowly pulled my cock all the way out of Hunter’s pretty ass and murmured pleasurably as I watched the creamy load ooze out. I massaged some of the warm, thick fluid into the boy’s smooth taint and pressed a goodly amount of semen back inside the stimulated twink pucker. As I finally lay down again, Hunter crawled into my arms and into a spooning position. Yet another incredible morning. I held the boy close to me and kissed him all over his face. Early morning was easily becoming my favorite time of the day!!
5. The Stranger 16mn
The first night when Hunter moved in, things were awkward. Well, that’s an understatement, considering everything that happened earlier that day. I don’t think my ex wife set out to sabotage our relationship; she just can’t help herself. I didn’t help things by trying to sneak off to the alley next to my building for a quickie, either. Hunter and I worked it out in spite of everything, although it didn’t go how I expected. Hunter was a wounded boy who needed love and affirmation for the wonderful young man that he is. Sex between a father and son may not be “natural” to some but when they are both gay, and especially when they have been thrown together because they are gay, sex is the language they speak. I reached out to him and gave him the love he needed in the way that he could understand and accept. Since that night, our love has grown deeper by the day, as has our sexual relationship, and neither of us would change a thing about that night, or anything since. There was one thing I noticed, though, right away, the first time he knelt between my legs and looked up at me with my cockhead resting on his lips. My son is a boy, or at least he’s my “Boy.” The look in his eyes was unmistakable. My primary sexual identity is not really being a “Daddy.” I like all kinds of men of all ages, and I like doing all sorts of things with them, but being a “Daddy” is a game I’m more than willing to play. I do like fucking younger men. With my looks and build, I’m practically a poster model for a DILF, and most of the younger men who are attracted to me are inevitably boys by comparison. There was a time when that look in their eyes intimidated me; almost terrified me, really. It seemed like a bottomless pit of expectation that I was falling into and a pedestal of admiration that I might fall off of, all at once. Over time, my confidence grew, along with my maturity, as well as an understanding of how a boy’s mind worked. I don’t think young men are born to be boys, but it is something deeper and more compelling than just a social label. When a real boy meets a man like me, a “Daddy”, his breath gets shallow, his heart beats faster, his knees get weak. If you know how to recognize it, you can see it in his eyes. That look of not just desire, but submission. If I want him, I meet his eyes with a look of stern control and a slightly amused half smile. I step up close enough for him to smell my musk and, if he doesn’t back off, I reach up slowly to the back of his neck, take him firmly in my hand, and pull him in for a kiss. If he’s wearing leather, I reach up with my other hand, grab his tit with my fingers and pinch, just until I feel his body stiffen. If he melts into my chest, often with a soft vulnerable moan, I know I’ve got him. It's a powerful moment; intimidating as hell if you are not prepared for it, and hot as hellfire itself, if you are ready and willing to take him. That night, with my son kneeling between my legs about to suck his father’s cock for the first time, I saw that look. It shot through me like cupid’s arrow. For the first time in years, I had that feeling of intimidation and vertigo, but also an incredible feeling of love and the fierce need to protect the sweet boy willing to give me that gift. I knew I had to give him space, though. Our relationship had to move on his terms. I was also not sure how much he understood about his own feelings. He has had almost no exposure to gay life beyond loitering in a city park having bush sex with closet cases. Aside from that, maybe what I saw was just the understandable vulnerability of a young man as confused by what was happening between us as I was. As the weeks have gone by, we’ve settled into a routine together. We are still getting to know each other, though. We have a lot of time to make up for, and a lot of history to sort out. I still sometimes see the “boy” in Hunter peak out, or at least I think I do. Last night led to a conversation about sexual fantasies. Hunter very cautiously admitted that he has fantasized about, “being dominated by a stranger.” I suppressed a smile as my cock grew hard in my pants. I knew it. My son was almost ready for a “Daddy.” A stranger! Seriously?! Like I was going to give my son to a stranger? I don’t think so! These things have to be handled gently, though. I took a deep breath, tried to be casual and said, “I could be your stranger.” “Really?” “Will you do what I say?” “Yeah.” “Get on your knees.” I felt like it was too soon for dirty talk, much less anything as intense as spanking, or even really rough sex. I fucked him, though. For the first time, I wasn’t gentle. I didn’t make love to him. I put him face down on the bed and fucked him hard; like he was a stranger. I used his hole for my pleasure, to get me off. It was exhilarating! I hadn’t been with anybody but Hunter, since he caught me with the other guy in the alley. Sex with Hunter has been wonderful, unique, and special, but I’ve held back, let it be about him first. Now it was my turn and I only realized how much I’ve missed real fucking when I started pounding my cock into my son’s hole. For the next ten minutes, he wasn’t my son, he was my fucktoy, and I rode him, squirming and whimpering, until the sweat dripped off of my face. I dumped my load deep in his guts and he took it all. My son Hunter is a very special boy, and I’m a very proud Daddy.
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