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Special Sales Carnal+
Special Sales Carnal+

Apprentice devall Chapter 6: the atonement

June 03, 2024 | Full Length Video : 34min 16sec

Walking into that room was not exactly easy. Most of the ceremonial chambers I’ve visited in the past have been pure white—almost blindingly so. This one was pitch black. The only light came from a few candles which were flickering, casting crazy shadows which seemed to dance in the darkness.

I was shown into the room by a masked man. I’m pretty sure it was someone I knew, but I could barely see him. His scent was somehow familiar, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on where I knew the scent from. Two other masked men were sitting on wooden chairs. In the middle of the space was a long, thin, low bench, covered with a silky black cloth. I didn’t like the look of it. It frightened me. I instinctively knew that something bad was lurking underneath. I stood, paralyzed, not daring to move.

A fourth ...More

A fourth masked man entered the space carrying a glass bowl filled with liquid. He held it with reverence. It struck me that its contents were sacred in some way. I was desperate to ask questions, but knew I wasn’t allowed to open my mouth without permission. The man holding the bowl told me to drink from it. His voice was familiar but I couldn’t quite place it. I took a deep breath and did as instructed, sipping the liquid. I wasn’t sure what effect it would have on me but it was surprisingly refreshing.

I looked at the men in front of me. If I was supposed to know who they were, they would reveal themselves, right? The Master who’d offered me the drink sat down at the end of the low table. He removed his mask. It was Master Napoli. Of course it was him. Of course that was his voice. My heart immediately started to pound in my chest. Master Napoli is responsible for opening my eyes to this brave new world. I had not seen him since my interview but thought about him every single day. The other seated men then removed their masks. First Master Drayke and then Apprentice Blue.

“Gentlemen,” Master Napoli gestured toward them,“reveal the priesthood stretcher.”

My heart began to pound in my ears. I did not know what a priesthood stretcher was, but I did not like the sound of it. Apprentice Blue and Master Drayke dutifully stood and pulled away the black satin sheet. The long wooden bench underneath was covered with what can only be described as penis-shaped objects of increasing sizes. It immediately became clear to me that I would be sitting down on at least one if not all of them. I must have flushed bright red at the horrifying thought.

Master Napoli gestured at the man to my left and told him to prepare me. At that point, he removed his mask, revealing himself as Master Patrick. The four men in the room were the only four men in the world who knew me carnally. They had all played a role in my instruction to this point and it seemed somehow appropriate and comforting that they were all in this space with me.

Master Patrick moved behind me and started to gently rub my shoulders. Every time he touched me, I felt myself shivering. I looked straight ahead, becoming lost in Apprentice Blue’s deep blue eyes; I wanted, needed his approval. Master Patrick removed my shirt and tie. I felt such an extraordinary desire to kiss him but knew I wasn’t allowed. I realized I was drifting into an erotic trance with every part of me pulsating to his hypnotic touch. He unzipped my slacks and exposed my sacred garments. My dick, hidden underneath, was hard and throbbing.

Master Napoli spoke again, instructing Patrick to bring me to him. Master Napoli remained sitting but reached out and began to fondle me. He pulled my garments down but my penis bounced back, free from the tight-fitting sacred covenant. He began to rub his lips up and down the shaft of my dick. I looked down at Master Drayke who had pulled his cock out of his suit pants and was stroking himself. There was an air of deep sexual tension in the room and I was the focus. It felt good.

Master Napoli told Master Patrick to prepare the first and smallest peg on the bench. I looked across at Apprentice Blue, he was caressing the bulge in his pants, licking his lips while looking at my penis. I liked that he was looking at me and plainly enjoying what he saw. After Master Patrick rubbed oil on the smallest of the pegs I was instructed to sit.

I somehow knew that my task was to straddle the bench and lower myself down onto the peg so that it entered my ass. And I did just that. I slid down pretty easily, but it made me gasp. I looked at Apprentice Blue, whose legs were widening while he unzipped his slacks. I imagined I was lowering myself down onto his dick. Master Patrick encouraged me to slide up and down on it.

Master Patrick was then instructed to prepare the next peg and then the next… and I obediently made my way along the bench, riding each of them. Each was larger in size than the one before and, as a result, the experience grew with intensity. Apprentice Blue lowered his slacks and pulled his 9-inch dick out of its cage. Master Patrick held me in his arms and ran his hand up and down my dick. I wanted to cum but, I knew I wasn’t allowed.

I moved onto the penultimate peg, which was considerably wider than the ones before. It both frightened and excited me at the same time. I sat down slowly, half expecting it to tear me apart. It was almost too much, but I gritted my teeth and continued until it sank all the way into me. Pre-cum began to bubble up on the tip of my dick. Master Patrick scooped it up with his finger and rubbed it on my nipple.

Finally, Master Patrick was instructed to prepare the last peg, which was way too big for me. I knew it just by looking at it. It was bulbous. It was insanely large. I said I couldn’t manage it. Master Napoli told me to proceed. I was terrified. I started to lower myself down onto it but it was no good. It hurt. It really hurt. I had to stop. I had to accept defeat.

Master Napoli told me to stand and turn my back to him. He stood behind me and began to fondle me again. My ass was tingling. My dick was bouncing. Then, he kissed me. His lips tasted like nectar. He bent me over the bench and I turned my head to watch him removing his jacket, shirt and tie, desperate to see his sexy body and to feel it pressed against mine. I held my breath in anticipation. He unbuckled his belt, unzipped his slacks and pushed down his pants. I felt his rock-hard dick through his garments pressing against my ass cheek. I felt a jolt of adrenaline.

He sat down behind me and started to lick my asshole. My hole began to quiver. He rolled his garments down and pushed his giant dick into me. It felt huge. He started to slide it in and out.

He stayed inside of me and moved me to the other side of the bench. Now, facing the others while they jerk themselves off, Master Napoli began to thrust. I kept twisting my head around to see the look on his face, to see his gritted teeth and the pleasure etched into his lips. He was giving me everything he had and I was loving every second. He plowed me harder and harder, grunting and groaning as he got closer and closer to release.

A few deep, heavy groans and his dick literally exploded. His semen gushed into me like a fountain and I felt like a true man.

Director:Brian Fitzgibbons
Producer:Legrand Wolf
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Apprentice Blue is tall, blue eyed, and as classically handsome as they get. He is also ambitious, driven and wise beyond his years. Any father would love a man like Cole for his daughter… but Cole would likely go for the father instead.

In The Order, there are plenty of hot daddies, all of them ready to test Cole’s loyalty and commitment. Cole is more than ready to serve every Master exactly as The Order requires him to by letting them get deep inside him. With every new test, Cole’s devotion to the Order only gets deeper.

Played by Cole Blue

Apprentice Devall is as cute as he is innocent. Green eyes, neat blonde hair, he takes good care of his body, and has an amazing physique for his age, but he has no idea how desirable he is to men. When he’s finally able to acknowledge his strong feelings for people of the same sex, this stunning boy will be an unstoppable sexual force.

Played by Dex Devall

Master Patrick is a pale-skinned, dark-haired, hugely handsome dude with a nine-inch dick to die for. He’s one of the sternest masters in the Order, and has a particular interest in disciplinary procedures. He likes his boys to be well-behaved and rewards them accordingly.

Played by Eddie Patrick

Master Drayke turns heads wherever he goes. This dark haired man has deep brown eyes and an air of mystery. But it’s what is lurking underneath his pristine suits which will get the boys most excited; a body which ripples with muscles and a nine-inch dick which would make anyone’s eyes water.

Played by Kyler Drayke

Master Napoli is the kind of man who makes the boys melt! This hung and handsome Italian Stallion looks a million dollars in suit and tie and always gets what he wants. He has a penchant for younger men so his arrival in the Order is bound to be a success for him…

Played by Marco Napoli
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Apprentice Devall

Apprentice Devall: Chapters
1. The Interview 29mn
It’s been a very long time since I’ve felt that scared. As I walked to the interview room down all those dusty hallways, I started to realize how desperate I was to join The Order. It was vital for me to make a good first impression. I must have stood in front of my mirror that morning for at least an hour, making sure there wasn’t a hair out of place on my head, and attempting to get the knot of my tie looking as perfect as possible. I don’t think anything could have prepared me for the room where my interview took place. Everything in there was gleaming white: the walls, the furniture, the carpet. The hallway had been really dark and lined with wooden panels, so my eyes struggled to adjust to the sudden brightness. Master Napoli was standing in the space. I’ll be honest; the sight of him almost made me gasp. He looked so powerful, dressed in his fitted white suit. He was dark-featured and he had the sort of handsome looks I always associated with Italian men. It’s funny— before I came here, I’d never questioned my sexuality, but some of the Masters are distractingly good looking. I mean, it’s not that I’m attracted to them as such, but I am in awe of them. I find myself imagining how it would feel to be one of them. Does that make sense? Master Napoli instructed me to sit down on a fancy chair before explaining that he was going to ask me a series of questions which I was to answer honestly. I immediately felt uneasy. It was like he was already suspicious of me and that he was somehow expecting me to lie. Then his face softened and he sat next to me, placing a hand on my thigh. His warm touch sent shockwaves through my body and my heart started pounding in my ears. He smelled amazing. It was a scent I’ve never encountered before. It engulfed me the moment he sat down, enveloping me in a haze of sudden, intense excitement. But his questions caught me off guard. He asked if I’d ever looked at another man in a lustful way. I said no, largely because I’m not sure I understood the question. And to be honest, I answered no to all of his questions for the same reason, but as his hand continued to grasp my thigh, I began to wonder if I was lying. He asked if I’d looked at pornography involving men and I truthfully said that I hadn’t. Then he asked when I’d last masturbated and I was shocked. I mean, of course I get hard—particularly in the mornings—but it’s easy enough to think about other stuff until those unwelcome thoughts go away. Unfortunately, the more Master Napoli continued with his bizarre line of questioning, the more I found myself thinking about sex. Worse still, I realized I was thinking about it with him. I felt myself flushing red, terrified that he’d look between my legs and see that my penis was hard. He asked if I was willing to prove that I wasn’t sexually attracted to men. The question hit me like a bolt of lightning. He told me to stand, and he did the same—removing his jacket like he was getting ready for a fight. His torso was straining his well-tailored shirt. I genuinely didn’t know where to look and whether to be terrified or excited. When he told me to remove my shirt, 99 percent of me wanted to say no. I wanted to walk out of the room in shame and then walk and walk and walk until I was back home and could pretend the whole thing had been nothing but a crazy dream. But, before I could take stock, I felt my fingers reaching up to my tie and loosening it… He stepped right up to me—this huge brute of a man—waiting, intimidatingly, offering no sense of what was about to happen. I was shaking horribly as I attempted to undo the buttons of my shirt. I finally found the courage to look him in the eye, and, as the nerves began to dissipate, I began to act a little more nonchalantly, like I was taking this entire humiliating experience in stride. He undid his shirt cuffs, and for a moment I thought he was going to throw a punch at me. Instead, he ordered me to take off my pants. This time I didn’t hesitate. I merely started to unbuckle my belt and before I’d had the chance to wonder what the hell was going on, I’d allowed my pants to drop to the ground with a thud. As he rolled up his sleeves, I managed to convince myself that he was about to challenge me to some sort of wrestling match. Then he told me to sit down again—gently touching my chest with the back of his hand in a way which made my legs go all wobbly and give out from under me. He walked around the back of the chair, pulled my hands behind me, and, seconds later, I felt him tying them together with some kind of rope. My heart was pounding with terror… I was astonished when I felt his hands gently running all over my chest. After I came to grips with the shock of what was happening, I began to feel my body relaxing—somehow melting to his touch—and before I could take stock, I heard noises of pure pleasure coming from my mouth. I’m not gonna lie. I’d never felt like that before. My entire body suddenly felt hot and sensitive. This is gonna sound crazy, but it was like there was a glowing ball of fire in the pit of my stomach, which was throwing out energy through my nipples and my balls and my penis. To make matters even more extraordinary, Master Napoli seemed to understand—with infinite precision—where to place his huge hands while I was in the midst of this bizarre state. I was overcome by a feeling of desire. I looked up into his eyes and my lips instantly started to tingle. I knew it was not my place to kiss him, but I longed to touch his lips with mine. Before I knew it, however, he’d plunged his roving hand down into my underpants and was groping my dick. It stiffened uncontrollably with his touch. I was now helpless to do anything other than let lust surge throughout my body. He asked if I was enjoying it. I lied and said I didn’t know. In reality, it was the most amazing thing which had ever happened to me. He pulled my garments down and exposed my dick, which was dripping with some kind of clear, sticky liquid. It made me feel a little embarrassed, but he seemed to enjoy touching it and massaging it into other parts of me. Everything he did was exciting beyond words. I found myself looking into his eyes, waiting for the catch, waiting for him to reveal that I’d fallen into his cruel trap and that I’d failed my interview—but he looked back at me with such profound gentleness. To be honest, there wasn’t a single part of me which was able to fight it. I just caved into my base desires. We locked eyes again and again and I felt my desire reflected in his face. He squirted some sort of oil into his hand and then rubbed it into my dick. The sensation was remarkable—the inside of his fist just slid up and down the shaft. I had no idea that anything could feel that good. He tightened his grip and I felt my body quivering and then springing into life. It was as though he were performing some dark kind of magic on me. His strokes got faster and faster and then I felt one of his fingers entering my hole. I suddenly lost track of everything. My head was spinning. I started murmuring. Instinctively, I knew something was going to happen to me. I could feel it building. I tried to fight it, but it was inevitable. I felt my legs spontaneously parting. I had this unbelievable desire to spread them wider and wider as the feelings intensified. He moved behind the chair and untied my hands. As soon as they were released, I found my hand moving towards my penis, wanting to see if my touch down there was as beautiful as his. He pulled one of my legs up into his lap—spreading my legs wider than I’d ever thought possible. I started to rub myself. It felt good. I pumped it harder and faster, looking into his eyes, seeing his beauty, his authority, his lust for me.
2. The Calling 25mn
Master Napoli did things to me that I didn’t know could be done. I experienced sensations which blew my mind and entirely changed the way that I perceive myself. Sadly, what we did was never spoken of again. In fact, Master Napoli barely acknowledged me when our paths crossed. My mind started oscillating wildly between feeling excited about what had happened and experiencing a huge amount of guilt about it. I wondered if I’d pushed Master Napoli into an uncomfortable space, or whether, by not challenging or refusing him, I’d failed the first test. To make matters worse, for the longest time afterwards, it felt like my training had ground to a halt. There were no one-to-one meetings with the Masters, no talk about the next stage of my apprenticeship. I knuckled down, attending classes and reading everything I could, but, the longer it went on, the more I became convinced I’d blown it. Then I received notification of my Calling. My heart leapt with joy. The Calling is the first major ceremony here. When you’re called up, you’re received into The Order. It’s a massive honor and a huge step forward which definitely means you’re doing something right. Of course, I instantly read everything I could about the ritual but the whole thing is shrouded in complete mystery. Those who’ve experienced it, say nothing about it afterwards. So, as I walked through the complex to the allotted room, I couldn’t decide if I was terrified or utterly exhilarated. No one could tell me anything about Master Patrick, who was the one to lead the ceremony. The only thing anyone seemed to know about him was that he was new. No one could tell me what he looked like or whether he was friendly or stern. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door of his office. He called me in and instructed me to sit down at a huge desk which seemed to fill the space somewhat unnecessarily. I found myself immediately attracted to him. He’s very dark-haired like Napoli but his skin is pale. He was dressed in a black suit, which looked very expensive, with a yellow-and-gray-striped tie and a white shirt. To be honest, he was so well-groomed that I immediately felt really shabby. I’d struggled to get the knot of my tie up into my collar and it didn’t seem to matter how much I ironed my shirt because it always looked creased. I was completely disarmed by Master Patrick’s first question. He asked if I still submitted that I was not attracted to men. Plainly what had happened with Master Napoli had blown that particular belief entirely out of the water, but I felt pretty sure that it was not something he’d have wanted me to discuss with anyone, and furthermore that any form of same-sex activity could well be frowned upon by the Order, so I lied and told Master Patrick that I was straight. To be honest, he seemed a little bored by my answer and, rather wearily, instructed me to stand up. The next few minutes went by in something of a blur. I felt entirely overwhelmed. One moment, I was drinking from some sort of ornate glass vessel and the next he was running his hands all over my body, undoing my tie and unbuttoning my shirt while my dick quadrupled in size. My heart was pounding in my mouth. My skin was suddenly covered in a million goosebumps. Master Patrick’s touch was intimate, soft, thorough… I kept looking at his lips. For some reason I felt an intense desire to kiss them, but I also knew that that level of boldness would be very much frowned upon. Master Patrick rather speedily unbuckled my belt and was soon standing behind me, his body pressed into me, unzipping my fly and allowing my pants to drop to the floor—all the while he carefully massaged the bulge in my underpants. He then ordered me to climb onto the desk and present myself to him on all fours, like some sort of livestock at a county show. It should have felt a little humiliating, but all I could think about was how much I wanted to please him. He walked around the desk, surveying every inch of me while loosening his belt and tie and rolling up his shirt sleeves. He started to touch me again. It was as though his fingers were melting into my body. He worked his way down my back and then, all of a sudden, he started to kiss my butt cheeks. That was surprising enough, but when he pushed his tongue into my hole, I was astonished. The sensation of it wriggling around down there was a weird mixture of ticklish and incredibly erotic. I could hear him stripping more of his clothes off and all sorts of crazy thoughts started to fill my brain about where this encounter was heading. At that very moment, I think I’d have done anything in the world that he asked me to do. The thought of losing my virginity to a man had occurred to me from time-to-time in the past, but since Master Napoli had his way with me I’ve basically thought about very little else. In every single sordid fantasy, I’ve imagined being the dominant one, however, but as Master Patrick continued, I began to wonder whether there was some expectation for me to be the receiver. I genuinely couldn’t process how that thought made me feel. He stood me up again and leaned against the wall, guiding my hand onto the bulge in his pants and encouraging me to explore it with my fingers. It felt surprisingly large and I experienced a sudden, overwhelming desire to put it in my mouth. I fell to my knees, shocked by the unbelievable brazenness of my own behavior. Of course, once down there, I didn’t have the slightest clue what to do next. His pants dropped to the floor. His beautiful dick was bulging in his underpants, hard as steel and twitching. I let my tongue dance over the mound for a moment before pulling his trunks down and marveling as it burst majestically into the open, like a free diver coming up for air. The sheer size of it took my breath away. For a moment I contemplated apologetically explaining that I’d never done anything like this before and asking for some pointers, but in the end, I simply took a deep breath and wrapped my lips around it. Judging by the pleasure-laden noises he instantly started to make, I was doing pretty well, so I guess I just kept at it; sucking and licking, allowing my lips to glide up and down the shaft, continually looking up at his face for clues. I ran my fingers over his balls which were incredibly low-hanging. Everything was perfect. Then he pulled me to my feet again and pushed me against the table and I knew instinctively that the moment had arrived. Losing one’s virginity is a pretty big deal and I guess we all have these fantasies about the circumstances in which it’s all going to happen. It didn’t occur to me that it could happen anywhere other than in a bed, but there I was, leaning over a wooden desk, for a man with an enormous penis I’d met for the first time less than fifteen minutes earlier. And then he penetrated me. Just like that. And, just like that, I was no longer a virgin. He slid the entire length of his dick into me in one very long stroke. I can’t begin to explain the sensation. It felt like I was being torn apart. It felt like someone was forcing a baseball bat into my body. Each time I thought he must be fully inside me, he’d push it in another inch or so. I entered a state of pure shock, I think, but genuinely, the most enduring emotion was one of desire. I wanted him. I wanted to please him. I wanted to feel like I was part of him. He started to groan as he pulled it in and out of me and I suddenly felt my body beginning to relax. From then on it was magical. He started to vary the pace and depth of his strokes. Just as I felt myself getting used to one rhythm, he’d change things up so I was constantly kept on my toes. I started to push back on him. The thought that he was inside me, entirely raw, made me incredibly horny—as did the thought that I’d now lost my virginity. I felt like a true man, somehow. I kept looking back at Master Patrick to see the look on his face. He was smiling like the arrogant cat that had gotten the cream, no doubt more than a little pleased with himself that he’d managed to pop my cherry without any complaints from me. I guess I knew he was using me for his own carnal pleasure and that he’d taken something precious from me in the process, but I didn’t care. I’d have done anything to see that look on his face. He threw me onto my back and continued to pump himself into me, then turned me onto my side and banged me so hard I felt sure his dick would somehow reappear up my throat. He seemed to have an infinite capacity to fuck me harder and faster every time I’d convinced myself he was going at full tilt. It was almost like he was showing off; demonstrating his immense sexual prowess, almost mocking me for daring to fantasize about being the top partner during my first, or, frankly, any subsequent encounter. He pulled out and started to jerk himself and then suddenly his enormous dick was spraying vast quantities of semen all over my ass cheeks and onto the table and the carpet. Then he slid himself back into me and finally kissed my lips. I felt truly alive.
3. The Initiation 30mn
It feels like forever since I was initiated into The Order. I can’t really remember how it felt to be that young, innocent boy who walked into the chamber, heart pounding like crazy in my mouth, wondering what on earth I’d gotten myself into, terrified that I’d embarrass myself, or, worse still, the Master. The only thing I’m clear about is that the experience switched a light on which has shone brightly ever since. It taught me who I was and crucially who I wanted to be. I knew that, one day, I would become a Master, and that, from that moment on, my natural dominance would flourish. I’ve always known that I’m a total top. I have the physique, the temperament and, frankly, the dick for it—and now that I’m finally a Master, nothing is going to hold me back. Part of me felt a little sorry for Apprentice Devall as he entered the space. He had no idea how horny I was. He had no clue that my dick was already throbbing in my tight white suit pants and that jets of pre-cum were soaking into the fabric. He didn’t know how desperate I was to pound a hole after years of denying my true identity. He entered the chamber wearing his ceremonial gown. I could tell he was anxious. His breathing was shallow and a little erratic. I knew that he’d already had experiences with Masters Patrick and Napoli. It is my absolute dream to relieve a boy of his virginity, but seeing as that ship had already sailed, the competitive side of me felt an overwhelming desire to make the Apprentice experience sensations in the act of love-making that he didn’t know he was capable of feeling. The irony, of course, was that it was me who was the first timer. This was my initiation as much as it was the boy’s. That said, after years of being mercilessly pounded by the very best, one surely learns a few tricks about topping. Any nerves I may have had about this immediately dissipated as I caught the look of pure lust in Apprentice Devall’s eyes. He wanted me. He needed me. He was prepared to give himself over to me entirely. It is customary to anoint an Apprentice with oil while reciting an ancient Masonic text. I felt a bolt of nerves shooting through my body as I began to speak, wondering whether I’d be able to figure it out if the words failed me. Fortunately they didn’t, and as I rubbed the warm, slippery oil into my hands, I experienced a rush of sexual energy. Every part of him must be anointed. Every potential pleasure point is given attention in order to awaken his entire body. It is an erotic and deeply connecting experience. I was taken aback by quite how mystical and intense it all felt, my desire for him growing by the second. I locked eyes with the beautiful Apprentice. The pre-cum began to squirt as my dick struggled to rid itself of the cruel cage of my pants. I knelt down and took great delight in anointing his loins— so slowly, so gently—until he could barely breathe. I turned him around and ran my hands over his peachy ass, wondering how quickly I could get inside it, while simultaneously knowing the art of this particular seduction was rooted in taking my sweet time. For the record, I have seldom seen such a beautiful butt. I removed his gown, remaining fully suited while he was entirely naked, feeling every inch of his tight, smooth body. I took off my jacket and tossed it casually to the ground before pushing him to his knees and positioning him carefully on all-fours, rolling up my sleeves and massaging the oils into his butt cheeks and his back. I soon had my tongue inside his hole. It was something I’d always wanted to try. He tasted warm and sweet as my tongue flickered and danced between his cheeks. I felt the need to remove my shirt at that point. The Apprentice needed to know that I meant business and that, very soon, I’d be inside him. I pressed my naked chest against his back and kissed his neck. The feeling of my flesh on his soft, velvety skin was heavenly. The Apprentice’s ass began to open up for me as I returned to it with my mouth and he began to pant and groan in readiness. I unbuckled my belt and slipped my slacks off. I was now only wearing my long, body-hugging garments and a pair of socks. I pushed up against him again, savoring every inevitable moment. The head of my cock burst out of my waistband. It desperately wanted to be inside the boy. It wanted to know how it would feel to finally drive into sweet, fresh flesh. Of course, Apprentice Devall had no idea that I was new to this, that, as I finally plunged into him, I would be starting an entirely new chapter of my life. He glanced around at the head of my dick, his eyes bulging with a mixture of excitement and surprise. I know I’m hung. I have known from a very early age, but this boy was going to be the first to know how it felt. I pushed my garments down and my 9-inch penis jumped to attention, bobbing and swinging like it was performing some kind of crazy, courtship dance. A little oil was all I needed before I pulled him into position, lined myself up with him and entered a brand new world… I don’t know who was more surprised—me or him. The sensation was way better than I’d expected. It felt like the Apprentice was grabbing onto every inch of my dick with his internal muscles which almost seemed to ripple up and down my shaft. I began to pump him, squatting behind him, placing an astonishing amount of pressure on my thigh muscles. He felt sensational. I felt sensational. This was the true me—finally unleashed on the world. He took it real hard - which of course only served to make me want to go harder as he whimpered and gritted his teeth. I came super close to shooting my load on so many occasions and had to keep regulating the pace. I rolled him onto his back so that I could look into his eyes and see for myself the effect that I was having on his sweet, innocent face. This particular position was a little complicated to get right, but it drove me utterly wild, largely because it made me feel so dominant. I was his king. His Master. I went harder and harder until I could feel the semen prickling in my balls. This was my moment—my moment to, for the first time, fuck my seed into someone. My moment to take ownership of an Apprentice. And then, just like that, I exploded. The cum flew out of me and gushed into him. The tides of ecstasy flowed through my body and ricocheted into his. And then it was over. I am now the Master of my own destiny and the future is a very exciting prospect.
4. The New Name 30mn
From time to time we like to test our Apprentices—catching them off guard when they’re least expecting it, just to remind them that the oaths they make are full-time commitments and not just reserved for official rituals. I was particularly thrilled to be tasked with devising and overseeing a test for Apprentice Devall. I am a relative newcomer within the Masters here and, as a result, still occasionally find it difficult to emotionally disconnect myself from the boys. I stole young Devall’s boyhood from him a few months ago and it was a particularly intense and beautiful experience. A second opportunity to sample that precious young man was something which filled me with extreme excitement. On my orders, Apprentice Devall received an anonymous note which simply informed him to wait, at exactly 11pm, at a particular crossroads in the woods. The message also informed him that he should be prepared to do exactly as told. Any failure would lead to the instant annulment of his Apprenticeship. I saw him receiving the note during formal hall, and watched, with great pleasure, as the color drained from his face. He showed signs of agitation throughout the rest of the evening, looking around suspiciously, one assumes, in an attempt to work out who’d sent the note, while repeatedly glancing up at the clock on the wall. At 10:45pm, he slipped out of the common room and headed into the woods. One of the chamber servants had been instructed to pursue him and make himself visible only when Devall arrived at the rendezvous point. I’m told the Apprentice accepted his fate with a great deal of courage, kneeling down stoically as he was blindfolded with his hands tied behind his back. I was also informed that, although he behaved with the utmost dignity throughout his kidnap, his teeth were chattering with nerves as he was led back towards the complex, completely unaware of what was in store. I had robed up in anticipation, opting for the lesser-used black, hooded ceremonial cloak coupled with the tightest, most-stylish suit in my wardrobe. I spent some time staring in a mirror, fussing over my tie, peering at my reflection while marveling at the level of authority and privilege my new position had bestowed on me. The boy was eventually led, still blindfolded, into the room. I guided him towards me, encouraging him to kneel between my legs, wondering at which stage he’d realize it was me. Perhaps he’d recognise my scent, or the feel of my hands on his throat. In the end, I saw the glimmer of recognition only when I spoke for the first time. I reminded him that obedience was valued above all else within The Order and untied him only when he accepted this fact with solemnity. I removed his blindfold and he stared into my face. He seemed conflicted. He was plainly immensely turned on, but equally worried that this particular response was an unacceptable one. It is true that an Apprentice exists solely to pleasure his Masters, but the most intense experiences only occur when the boy is, himself, in a state of heightened pleasure. Apprentice Devall shuddered with nervous anticipation as I gently ran my hands over his torso and slowly unbuttoned his denim jacket, pushing it from his shoulders to expose the clean, white garments which clung to his body. I removed my cloak carefully before groping his peachy ass through the soft fabric of his pants. The gesture caused him to gasp. I removed my suit jacket and rolled up my shirt sleeves and he melted into my arms, groaning and muttering in a state of pure ecstasy while I eased my hands across his back and down towards his butt, pushing his garment aside before kissing him with restrained passion. He was soon on his back on the bed and I found myself hovering over him, seductively removing my shirt and tie as his chest heaved with lust. I unbuckled my belt and unzipped my suit pants, letting them fall to the floor with a thud. The boy’s wide eyes fixed on my crotch. My dick was tenting like a dangerous weapon: ripe and oh-so-ready for action. Apprentice Devall knew what was coming his way. I pulled the boy to the end of the bed and removed my dick from the constraints of my garments, pushing his legs back and using sacred oils to lubricate his hole. My dick slid satisfyingly into his ass in the same way that a hand slides into a tight-yet-well-made leather glove. I kept it shallow to begin with, regularly pulling myself out, nursing his beautiful ass beyond a state of shock and towards the magical moment when it began to open up. At that stage I was able to push myself into him with deeper strokes. He had forgotten how long my penis is. His eyes flickered to the back of his head, his forehead and chest began to glisten with sweat and he started to make what can only be described as animalistic noises. I rocked him onto his front, pushed his legs together and penetrated him with the full force of my giant dick. His ass is world class. The experience of fucking him is remarkably pleasurable and every time he looked back at me with his beautiful eyes, I just felt the need to go harder and harder. I rolled him onto his back again and started literally pounding him, marveling at how turned on I was by the look of pure disbelief on his face. I picked up the pace and went faster and faster, rearranging his insides mercilessly as he jerked himself frantically. I rapidly passed the point of no return and pulled my dick out just as he exploded ribbons of spunk onto his quivering stomach. I instantly felt the semen rising and just as it began to blast up the shaft of my dick, I thrust myself back into his ass again—cumming heavily inside him, branding him with my thick juices.
5. The Covenant 31mn
It doesn’t really matter how many times you meet with the Masters. They always seem to have an ability to catch you off guard. Last month, I was ambushed in the woods, blindfolded and dragged into a room I didn’t even know existed. I was given a secret name which I’m not allowed to share with anyone. I don’t even dare write it down because it sometimes feels like even the walls are watching me in this place. The Masters seem to know pretty much everything about me—everything I’m even thinking. It’s both terrifying and hugely exciting. I was informed last night that my Covenant ceremony was to take place. My task, I was told, was merely to don a white gown and crawl into the allotted chamber, ready to do everything which was asked of me. After showering and preparing myself with meticulous care, I was handed my gown by one of the chamber servants. He looked a little irritated when I told him I had no clue about how to put it on. From what I could gather it was nothing but a huge piece of flowing pleated, slippery white fabric with no more substance to it than the muslin curtains hanging from the walls. He couldn’t have been any less engaged as he draped it over my body. I felt angry to begin with, but then I figured he’s probably desperate to become an Apprentice himself and it must stink like crazy to have to stand there helping someone else to progress in a world where you’re merely an observer. I was once told that the majority of chamber servants are boys who’ve been rejected from the program. I don’t know whether that’s true, but it makes sense. Once suitably attired in this crazy gown—which, despite being formed from many yards of fabric, it barely covered me—I did as ordered and crawled subserviently into the room. The first person I saw there was Master Drayke. To be honest, I was relieved: He’s a man I know and trust. He really looked after me during my initiation. I left that ceremony feeling like a precious object. I noticed two other men standing towards the back of the room. But I felt obliged to keep my head hanging low so I couldn't tell who they were. I could only fathom that they, like Master Drayke, were wearing white suits. I was ordered to kneel up and, at that point, dared to look over to my left, discovering that one of the men was actually Apprentice Cole. I’ve always been scared of Cole. Ever since I arrived here, he’s been so much further on in his training and he comes across as super confident. He’s also ridiculously handsome. Tall and blond, the clothes hang off him like some sort of model, and he walks about like he owns the place. It didn’t take me long to realize that the other man was Master Patrick, who is also known to me. In fact, he was the Master who performed my secret name ceremony—and boy did every part of my body ache the following morning! It was strange to see him and Cole in the same space. I was ordered to wash Master Drayke’s feet. Ever since my arrival, the importance of this particular ritual has been bashed into us. It is a solemn and sacred demonstration of compliance which seals us to our superiors and binds us to the laws of the brotherhood. Well, that’s the theory anyway. We all know exactly how to do it, in principle at least. We’re just not allowed to do it… until ordered to do so by a Master. So, when I heard the words, my heart instantly started to pound. I did everything on autopilot, realizing that, if I over-thought what was happening, I’d probably forget what I was doing and make a complete fool of myself. I found myself carefully removing the Master’s slippers and very gently pulling down his socks. There was a bowl of water with a cloth by the side of his chair and I knew to take the cloth and very carefully wash his feet. It all felt remarkably intense and, if I’m honest, erotic. I glanced up at Cole, standing like a beautiful Greek statue in the corner of the room and felt a rush of pride. This was my moment. Master Drayke ordered me to stand and I flew to my feet, hoping that the nerves I was feeling wouldn’t cause my legs to buckle. He stood next to me, real close, and peered into my eyes, his glance boring into me almost as though he were peering into my very soul. My face instantly reddened and I found it almost impossible to hold his gaze. His look scared and excited me in equal measure. His hands began to touch the patches of bare skin which had been exposed by the shield I was wearing. He turned me around and grabbed my buttocks. I began to tremble. With a flick of the wrist, he undid the bow at the side of my gown and the entire thing billowed to the ground like a parachute. I was left entirely naked, every inch of skin now covered in tingling gooseflesh. I heard him removing his jacket. The rustling sound generated a Pavlovian response and I was soon shaking with profound excitement. He started to kiss and nibble at my neck. I found myself leaning back, allowing our bodies to begin the process of melding together. He turned me around and instructed me to get on my knees. His leather belt squeaked as he undid it and his zipper made an enticing shriek as it was lowered. My instinct was to help him out of his underpants, so I glanced up at him, searching for permission to touch. He granted me that wish. His dick was hardening inside his garments. We all wear the same underwear here. At first glance it appears somewhat demure—the boxer trunks go right down to the knee. But look a little closer and you’ll soon see they’re made from a semi-sheer fabric which clings to every lump and bump inside. I pressed my lips against the growing bulge in the fabric and he gasped with excitement. There was a heady, sweaty, sexual aroma coming from his dick which instantly made me want to expose it to the world. I rolled down his garments and his penis flopped out. He impatiently removed his tie and flung it to the floor as I wrapped my lips around his member. As I started to suck him, he began unbuttoning his shirt. I looked up at him and saw a man in a state of deep lust. It felt good. I looked up again and noticed the muscles rippling on his chiseled body and felt a bolt of pure ecstasy flying through my body. Master Drayke then sat on the bed and grunted and gasped as my tongue danced over the tip of his immense dick. The more he groaned, the more eager I became to please him, knowing that Cole was watching. I wanted Cole to realize that I was a contender and not just some foolish boy who could barely make eye contact with him in the corridors. Drayke ordered me onto the bed and told me to get my legs in the air before kissing my mouth hungrily. Seconds later he had his tongue thrust deep inside my hole. Suddenly it was my turn to moan. I have seldom wanted anything as much as I wanted his dick inside me at that moment. It felt almost imperative that he thrust it into me. I heard him muttering something. I think he was telling the other two to step forward because I felt them both approaching. The next thing I knew, they were holding my legs and pulling them backwards. It felt a little ungainly but I also knew that my ass was opening up as a result and I was now ripe for fucking. Master Drayke knelt between my legs, and, with very little ceremony, pushed his 9-inch dick right inside me… The sensation took my breath away. It felt like he was shoving a baseball bat inside to split me in half. Before I’d begun to even process the feeling, he was thrusting himself in and out, a look of absolute intent on his face. I couldn’t work out whether it was an intent to hurt me or thrill me. Whatever he was doing made me whimper uncontrollably and, before long, the sensation was pleasure beyond knowing. It was insane. Profound. Unbelievable. For the first time I truly understood my purpose. I realized that Drayke was experiencing as much pleasure as me. Just as I thought it couldn’t get any better, Apprentice Cole and Master Patrick let go of my legs and Master Drayke pulled out and laid on the bed. It was strange: I think any other time I would have frozen with fear, without a clue what to do. But here, my body simply took over. I squatted over him, my back to his face, and lowered myself down onto his dick. Seconds later, I was riding him, squeezing my ass muscles together, dragging my entire body up and down his thick, twitching, now leaking shaft. I think he was near to busting because he told me to get off him and lie on my stomach. Then he entered me again and it somehow felt even more intense. I think in that position he had more of a capacity to thrust and so he really went hard, like some sort of animal it felt, desperate to breed me. He went harder and harder, slamming into me like a drill. I could feel the sweat pouring from his forehead and rolling down my back. He turned my head around to look at him and told me he was getting close as he nailed me with brutal strokes. Then, just like that, he exploded into me. I could feel it all gushing into my ass with force—like an immense jet of water. And even after the flow had stopped, he was still twitching, pumping his beautiful juices deep into me. Sealing the deal. Making me his. Forever.
6. The Atonement 35mn
Walking into that room was not exactly easy. Most of the ceremonial chambers I’ve visited in the past have been pure white—almost blindingly so. This one was pitch black. The only light came from a few candles which were flickering, casting crazy shadows which seemed to dance in the darkness. I was shown into the room by a masked man. I’m pretty sure it was someone I knew, but I could barely see him. His scent was somehow familiar, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on where I knew the scent from. Two other masked men were sitting on wooden chairs. In the middle of the space was a long, thin, low bench, covered with a silky black cloth. I didn’t like the look of it. It frightened me. I instinctively knew that something bad was lurking underneath. I stood, paralyzed, not daring to move. A fourth masked man entered the space carrying a glass bowl filled with liquid. He held it with reverence. It struck me that its contents were sacred in some way. I was desperate to ask questions, but knew I wasn’t allowed to open my mouth without permission. The man holding the bowl told me to drink from it. His voice was familiar but I couldn’t quite place it. I took a deep breath and did as instructed, sipping the liquid. I wasn’t sure what effect it would have on me but it was surprisingly refreshing. I looked at the men in front of me. If I was supposed to know who they were, they would reveal themselves, right? The Master who’d offered me the drink sat down at the end of the low table. He removed his mask. It was Master Napoli. Of course it was him. Of course that was his voice. My heart immediately started to pound in my chest. Master Napoli is responsible for opening my eyes to this brave new world. I had not seen him since my interview but thought about him every single day. The other seated men then removed their masks. First Master Drayke and then Apprentice Blue. “Gentlemen,” Master Napoli gestured toward them,“reveal the priesthood stretcher.” My heart began to pound in my ears. I did not know what a priesthood stretcher was, but I did not like the sound of it. Apprentice Blue and Master Drayke dutifully stood and pulled away the black satin sheet. The long wooden bench underneath was covered with what can only be described as penis-shaped objects of increasing sizes. It immediately became clear to me that I would be sitting down on at least one if not all of them. I must have flushed bright red at the horrifying thought. Master Napoli gestured at the man to my left and told him to prepare me. At that point, he removed his mask, revealing himself as Master Patrick. The four men in the room were the only four men in the world who knew me carnally. They had all played a role in my instruction to this point and it seemed somehow appropriate and comforting that they were all in this space with me. Master Patrick moved behind me and started to gently rub my shoulders. Every time he touched me, I felt myself shivering. I looked straight ahead, becoming lost in Apprentice Blue’s deep blue eyes; I wanted, needed his approval. Master Patrick removed my shirt and tie. I felt such an extraordinary desire to kiss him but knew I wasn’t allowed. I realized I was drifting into an erotic trance with every part of me pulsating to his hypnotic touch. He unzipped my slacks and exposed my sacred garments. My dick, hidden underneath, was hard and throbbing. Master Napoli spoke again, instructing Patrick to bring me to him. Master Napoli remained sitting but reached out and began to fondle me. He pulled my garments down but my penis bounced back, free from the tight-fitting sacred covenant. He began to rub his lips up and down the shaft of my dick. I looked down at Master Drayke who had pulled his cock out of his suit pants and was stroking himself. There was an air of deep sexual tension in the room and I was the focus. It felt good. Master Napoli told Master Patrick to prepare the first and smallest peg on the bench. I looked across at Apprentice Blue, he was caressing the bulge in his pants, licking his lips while looking at my penis. I liked that he was looking at me and plainly enjoying what he saw. After Master Patrick rubbed oil on the smallest of the pegs I was instructed to sit. I somehow knew that my task was to straddle the bench and lower myself down onto the peg so that it entered my ass. And I did just that. I slid down pretty easily, but it made me gasp. I looked at Apprentice Blue, whose legs were widening while he unzipped his slacks. I imagined I was lowering myself down onto his dick. Master Patrick encouraged me to slide up and down on it. Master Patrick was then instructed to prepare the next peg and then the next… and I obediently made my way along the bench, riding each of them. Each was larger in size than the one before and, as a result, the experience grew with intensity. Apprentice Blue lowered his slacks and pulled his 9-inch dick out of its cage. Master Patrick held me in his arms and ran his hand up and down my dick. I wanted to cum but, I knew I wasn’t allowed. I moved onto the penultimate peg, which was considerably wider than the ones before. It both frightened and excited me at the same time. I sat down slowly, half expecting it to tear me apart. It was almost too much, but I gritted my teeth and continued until it sank all the way into me. Pre-cum began to bubble up on the tip of my dick. Master Patrick scooped it up with his finger and rubbed it on my nipple. Finally, Master Patrick was instructed to prepare the last peg, which was way too big for me. I knew it just by looking at it. It was bulbous. It was insanely large. I said I couldn’t manage it. Master Napoli told me to proceed. I was terrified. I started to lower myself down onto it but it was no good. It hurt. It really hurt. I had to stop. I had to accept defeat. Master Napoli told me to stand and turn my back to him. He stood behind me and began to fondle me again. My ass was tingling. My dick was bouncing. Then, he kissed me. His lips tasted like nectar. He bent me over the bench and I turned my head to watch him removing his jacket, shirt and tie, desperate to see his sexy body and to feel it pressed against mine. I held my breath in anticipation. He unbuckled his belt, unzipped his slacks and pushed down his pants. I felt his rock-hard dick through his garments pressing against my ass cheek. I felt a jolt of adrenaline. He sat down behind me and started to lick my asshole. My hole began to quiver. He rolled his garments down and pushed his giant dick into me. It felt huge. He started to slide it in and out. He stayed inside of me and moved me to the other side of the bench. Now, facing the others while they jerk themselves off, Master Napoli began to thrust. I kept twisting my head around to see the look on his face, to see his gritted teeth and the pleasure etched into his lips. He was giving me everything he had and I was loving every second. He plowed me harder and harder, grunting and groaning as he got closer and closer to release. A few deep, heavy groans and his dick literally exploded. His semen gushed into me like a fountain and I felt like a true man.
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